2012 Year in Review

Thank you: We couldn’t do what we do without the support and assistance we receive from our volunteers, supporters, donors, and well wishers. A big thank you to all of you; we always appreciate people giving their time, energy, and skills. Thanks also to the public officials who patiently work with us on an on-going basis. We all are working for safety, access, and the health and well-being of our community.
Labels: 2012, year in review
Fairfax Bike Summit—Ideas for Moving Forward
At the Fairfax Bike Summit we asked participants to tell us what they thought Fairfax needs to do to become a more bike-friendly place. These were called Ideas for Moving Forward. We've organized the ideas into categories reflecting the 5 E's, Engineering, Encouragement, Education, Evaluation, Enforcement. We've added a couple of other categories, Maintenance and Advocacy.
Category | Idea for Moving Forward |
Engineering | Rt 29 between FFX Co Pkwy and Rt 50: Add paved shoulders with lane markers for bicyclists on both sides of Rt 29. Then area residents can work with the stores to add bike racks, at Costco, Home Depot, etc |
Engineering | Reduce curb radii in denser developed areas to encourage more walking |
Engineering | Bicycle highway parallel to Amtrak/VRE line from Burke Centre to DC. It should be grade separated and available 24 hours a day |
Engineering | Narrow vehicular travel lanes to 10 or 11' to allow the striping of bike lanes and paved shoulders |
Engineering | Concentrate on infrastructure. Push politicians to work!!! |
Engineering | Better lighting on the bike path for bike commuters |
Engineering | Add a put in parking lot at the intersection of Towlston Rd and Rt 7 on both sides. VDOT already has ownership of a small strip on northeast corner. |
Engineering | Build four demonstration projects to attract 30% of citizens to use them with their bikes. The should be high quality and safe |
Engineering | Increase connections between existing routes to enhance safety and practicality. Example: Greely to Cross County Trail via Jensen Dr south of Old Keene Mill Rd |
Engineering | We should try and connect trails and bike lanes better |
Engineering | Revive and strengthen VDOT street connectivity standards for new residential developments |
Engineering | Focus on connectivity |
Engineering | More bike lanes when repaving. In many cases it's just paint |
Engineering | Widen the W&OD trail |
Engineering | Lower design speeds! The speed limit should be 35 mph or lower within community boundaries with very low exceptions! Neighborhood streets should be designed for speeds 25 mph and lower. We need more traffic calming and narrower streets to discourage speeding |
Engineering | Look at principles that Randy Hestr used for urban design and community development |
Encouragement | Provide quick-wash materials free of charge to employees at companies without showers |
Encouragement | Help employees set up event days like bike to work days with incentive programs and safe bike routes |
Encouragement | Encourage and provide incentives to bike for Fairfax County and Fairfax County Public School employees |
Encouragement | Need to hold one or more Fairfax Ciclovía events in which major streets are closed to auto traffic. |
Encouragement | Add bicycling as a school sport activity |
Encouragement | Schedule and promote additional bike summits! At GMU annually and virtually online |
Encouragement | Throw a party to bring bike friendly streets idea to the general public. Declare a bike friendly street party one weekend or holiday. Close a section of a major road to traffic. Add vendors, music, food, businesses. Start the party with a bike ride. |
Encouragement | Ciclovia events around the county |
Encouragement | Bicycle advocates need to more effectively communicate what we offer: Lower incidences of overweight/obesity, lower public health costs; Favored by young, well-educated workforce employees that add to the tax base; If we get the curious but less experienced residents on bikes it reduces congestion and supports local retail, reduces pressure on WMATA when transportation funding is reviewed as zero sum game, we lose. We need to more effectively communicate what cycling infrastructure can offer Fairfax County. |
Encouragement | Bicycle commuting to schools is absolutely critical. Recommend Fairfax County experiment with providing a bicycle commuter subsidy for kids age 11 onward to increase the motivation to ride a bike and to help pay for the commmunity necessities like bight lights and locks |
Encouragement | Lead and offer tours of bike and ped facilities. Fairfax Co and Fairfax City should have a coordinated effort to promote bike and per use in the area. There are facilities and more people need to be encouraged to use them |
Encouragement | Do a bike to work week instead of day to encourage new riders |
Education | Have some sort of informational booth about bicycling at every farmer's market |
Education | Improve bicycle education in schools: All elementary kids should learn how to ride; All high school kids learning to drive should first learn to ride a bike |
Education | More bike education and bike safety classes for adults |
Education | Safer paths from southwest Fairfax City to W&OD Trail and Vienna Metro; Advertisement making residents aware of cyclists and to please respect their space; Education for motorists, pedestrians, & cyclists to make them aware of each other & teach them the rules that each should obey. |
Education | Post podcasts on your website on upcoming events, meetings, and issues; Organize a kick-start donation for small projects: Bike lane/trail snow plow; striping project - bike counters; maintenance in neighborhoods; Recognize HOA's that are bike-freindly neighborhoods; Recognize principals at schools that promote cycling, including staff and students |
Education | Ways to engage non-cyclists in traffic conversations |
Education | Puch the crowd-sourced mapping for the county as a way to identify problem areas and possible innovative solutions |
Education | Develop and online tool that maps out bike routes in Fairfax City |
Education | Bicycle awareness campaigns, rules of the road for bicyclists, and information for motorists on how to ineract with bicyclists. |
Education | Have a link on main fabb-bikes.org for free paper bike map |
Education | Target libraries, universities, public and private schools, hospitals to distribute bike maps and literature to promote biking. Please link the Bicycle Master Plan with the Fairfax Co Master Arts plan in Tysons Corner and other art venues. |
Evalutation | Set a clear goal for % of commuter trips made by bikes. Drive improvements and transporation funding support to achieve this goal |
Enforcement | Increase enforcement of safe driving, in particular intersections. Why can't we have more traffic cameras to enforce traffic laws? ,Impose tax on off-street parking, and provide off-setting credit for bicycle usage of the facility (mall, office, etc) served by the off-street parking. |
Enforcement | Promote legislation that would require all motorized vehicles to maintain a minimum distance of 1 meter from cyclists. This is the law in Spain |
Enforcement | Gunston Rd to Mason Neck and Pohick Bay should limit speed to 25-30 mph with signs that infractions result in $150-$250 fines |
Enforcement | Support speed and crosswalk cameras within 1.5 miles of schools to slow traffic and promote pedestrian and bicycle safety. It would coincidentally generate revenue for Fairfax County transportation funding. This would require a specific request to Richmond for authority. |
Enforcement | Replace STOP signs on trail crossings with SLOW signs. Recommend emplacing "slow" signs instead of stop signs at trail crossings. Stop signs do not appear to conform with Virginia law and certainly confuse motorists about who has the right of way as noted in a recent VDOT study. (http://www.virginiadot.org/vtrc/main/online reports/Ddf/11-r9.pdf) |
Enforcement | No public trails are to be closed at night to bicyclists with lights which meet Virginia Code requirements. Bicyclists without lights should be targeted for fines or at least severely mocked. |
Maintenance | Best bang-for-the-buck is street sweeping. There are areas such as Annandale Rd with built up debris and tree limbs left over from Derecho clean-up. Also construction zones leaves nails, screws, etc. on the shoulders. Particularly dangerous at night. |
Maintenance | Make some bikeways priorities that are cleaned and plowed of snow and lit when necessary for year around bicycling |
Maintenance | Create maintenance plan for repaving of bike lanes and trails such as Braddock Rd trail and Fairfax Co Parkway trail |
Maintenance | What efforts can be done to remove bikes abandoned at Metro station bike racks? |
Advocacy | Summit participants recruit one additional advocate in 2013. It would double participation and double the impact of advocates |
Advocacy | Attend FABB meetings and become involved in it's mission |
Labels: fairfax bike summit
Hains Point 100 - Supporting WABA's Women & Bikes program
WABA recently created the Women & Bikes program "dedicated to helping women ride bikes more often and more enjoyably." WABA member Megan Jones came up with a great idea to help raise funds for the program, the Hains Point 100. She committed top riding 100 miles around Hains Point on Sunday. Word spread about her challenge and over 50 people joined her to help raise over $1,500 for WABA.Read Alex Baca's account of the ride on the WABA blog, WTOP report Kate Ryan's report on her blog Lane Change and her interview with Megan on Youtube, and Chasingmailboxes report with lots of photos.
Route 1 widening at Fort Belvoir
The Transportation Planning Board (TPB) was recently asked to amend the long range plan to include the widening of Route 1 from Fort Belvoir to Mt. Vernon Highway. The road will be widened to 6 lanes with a wide median that can accommodate future transit. Currently a 14-foot wide outside lane and a 10-foot shared use path are included in the design. The project is being funded and managed by the Federal Highway Administration. See the project website.![]() |
Route 1 widening project extent |
Several of the TPB members supported Allen's comments, including DC Councilman Mendelson and Hunter Mill District Supervisor Hudgins. The FHWA rep was asked to respond to their concerns at the January 23 TPB meeting. We'll be asking cyclists to send comments to the TPB in support of bike lanes in this project.
Here's Allen's statement. He modified the statement after the meeting, noting that the median is 32 feet wide and the 10-ftoo wide sidepath will not meander:
Statement to the National Capital Region Transportation Planning Board
by Allen Muchnick, VBF board member, December 19, 2012
Sadly, this proposed highway widening project illustrates a serious shortcoming of the TPB’s Complete Streets Policy and a failure of both of the Federal Highway Administration and the Virginia Department of Transportation to adhere to their own long-established bicycle accommodation policies.
This 3.4-mile segment of US Route 1 is the planned route of four, nationally significant, long-distance bicycling routes, three of which run from Maine to Florida; namely, AASHTOs US Bicycle Route 1, the East Coast Greenway, the Potomac Heritage National Scenic Trail, and the Adventure Cycling Association’s Atlantic Coast Bicycle Touring Route. As the Commonwealth of Virginia’s only north- south bicycling route (and even as the sole north-south bicycling route through the huge Fort Belvoir army base), this project should adequately accommodate experienced long-distance bicyclists who prefer to travel on the roadway which is considerably faster, much better designed and maintained, and arguably safer than the meandering shared-use path which will also be included in this project.
Since the mid 1990s, VDOT planning studies for the Route 1 corridor through Fairfax and Prince William Counties have consistently specified 15-foot wide curb lanes to accommodate bicycling, and 15-foot wide curb lanes for bicycling were specified in VDOT’s 2003 Route 1 Location Study and in the three draft Environmental Assessments which the FHWA endorsed in 2003. While 15-foot curb lanes are--at best-- a minimal bicycling accommodation on a roadway with 50 MPH design speed, the space could be striped as 4-foot bike lanes adjacent to 11-foot travel lanes to facilitate motorist overtaking and the comfort and safety of roadway bicyclists.
Unfortunately, in designing the current project, the FHWA has narrowed the long-planned wide curb lanes to 14 feet. While non-cyclists may consider this 12-inch narrowing to be a minor, those lost inches have a big impact on a bicyclist sharing a travel lane with 50 MPH traffic. It’s illogical to consider a 12- foot travel lane to be a minimal accommodation for motor vehicles, yet maintain that, by adding only two more feet, a bicyclist, who tracks at least 3 feet wide and deserves at least 3 feet of safe passing clearance, can safely share that space laterally with 50 MPH traffic. For decades, both FHWA and VDOT have issued policies and guidance for accommodating bicyclists on high-speed roadways. As early as 1990, VDOT’s bicycle accommodation policy called for routinely providing appropriate bicycling accommodations on US Bicycle Route segments, and in 1994 FHWA published guidance that a 15-foot wide curb lane is a bare minimum bicycling accommodation on a 50 MPH roadway.
Providing 15-foot curb lanes in this project does not require a wider roadway, although the proposed 27- foot landscaped median provides ample space for doing so. Instead, 15-foot curb lanes can be achieved simply by shaving 6 inches from the inside and middle travel lanes. We ask the TPB to require FHWA to provide at least 15-foot curb lanes for bicycling as a condition for adding this project to the TIP.
Labels: allen muchnick, fhwa, route 1, transportation planning board
Converting trips to Metro stations from car to bike/walk trips
In recent years WMATA has improved bike parking at many of their stations. However, bike/ped access to the stations from surrounding areas has not often been a high priority. That is changing. From the PlanIt Metro blog:![]() |
Heat map showing short-distance parking access at Forest Glen station, which indicates good opportunities for pedestrian and bicycle access (click for full map) |
The map at right (full version) shows auto-to-station “hot spots” around the Forest Glen station, to pick one example, locations from which clusters of customers drive and park at Metro. According to the 2007 Metrorail Passenger Survey data, many customers drive from within a 1-3 mile radius; some are even closer. So why are so many people from this area driving? In our 2010 Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan, we teased out some of the more broad-based reasons why people drive rather than walk or bike – now we’d like to explore each station’s local conditions and see what can be done to improve walk and bike access.
Labels: Metro, planit metro, wmata
Meeting with Traffic Division police
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Dangerous pass on Vale Rd from video clip |
I started the meeting by discussing FABB, our goals and projects. I explained that we represent cyclists who use bicycles for transportation and that many people rely on bicycles as their primary way to get around. Without a connected, safe bicycle network, we often must ride on congested commuter routes. I said that all too often we are harassed by motorists for no other reason than that we're riding a bicycle.
As a way of getting my point across I noted that on my ride to his office, on Woodburn Rd for a short stretch from the Cross County Trail, I was passed illegally by 4 motorists, one of whom honked, another two that drove completely into the oncoming lane of traffic, across a double yellow line. In one case approaching motorists had to nearly stop to avoid hitting one of the passing vehicles.
One reason for the meeting was to discuss two recent reports of harassment, one on Vale Road in the Vienna area where motorists often illegally pass on a hilly section and they often pass closer than 2 feet. We later sent two short video clips showing examples of this behavior.
The other instance involves a mother riding her daughter to school, with the daughter in a trailer behind the bike. A motorist on more than one occasion approached the mother, rolled down her window, and screamed about how dangerous it is to ride in traffic.
Lt. Grinnan was very sympathetic. He agreed that motorists should be ticketed for their illegal behavior. He also confirmed that unless a policeman witnesses behavior that is a misdemeanor, a ticket cannot be issued by police to the motorist. However, a magistrate-issued summons can be issued to the motorist by an officer.
He explained in detail what cyclists need to do to report aggressive motorist behavior. We can file a report for the record that does not lead to any charges against the motorist but the report is kept on file. The other option is to file a complaint with the magistrate's office and ask that a citation be issued. The following are steps that should be taken if you are harassed by a motorist:
How to report an aggressive driver
- To file a report and not file charges:
- Call the non-emergency number (703-691-2131) and request to speak to someone in the Citizen Reporting Section. Have the license plate number, description of the vehicle and driver, time of day, location.
- A case number will be generated. The information is entered into the Integrated Law Enforcement Automated Field Reporting Dispatch System (ILEADS) but the motorist is not notified.
- To file a report and file charges against an aggressive driver:
- Call the non-emergency number and ask to file a police report. Have the license plate number, description of the vehicle and driver, time of day, location. If the information agrees with information on file, the driver is identified. Ask for the case number, name, address, and date of birth of the driver. This information is needed when contacting the Magistrate's office.
- Contact the Magistrate's office (in person). Ask to file a complaint against the motorist identified above. Provide the case number and personal information. A magistrate-issued summons could then be issued to the motorist by an officer. If the motorist contests the ticket, a court date will be set. Since the incident was not witnessed by an officer, he/she will not be present in court. When the case is heard, the motorist and complainant will have an opportunity to testify.
We plan to test this system and will record responses received during each phase. In the past we have been discouraged from filing a report since "there is nothing we can do." We know there are some measures that can be taken but they require work on our part. We think it's worth the effort.
Cyclists can also ask for increased enforcement on roads where cyclists are harassed. We have done so for a section of Vail Road. Contact the District station where the road is located. Provide specific information about time and place of incidents. Update: Here's the video clip of the close pass.
Labels: aggressive driver, fairfax county police, magistrate
Bike commuting across Chain Bridge
Cyclists crossing Chain Bridge in McLean say it’s treacherous with traffic, but they’ll keep pedaling is the title of The State of NoVa's blog post. The FABB treasurer uses this bridge on his commute from Vienna to Bethesda:Photo: Washington Post |
Unlike the continuous mass of drivers inching over Chain Bridge weekday mornings, Van Herpen and Janssen are a commuter cycling couple who navigate their hybrid bicycles to work in all degrees of weather. They are part of the widening stream of cyclists crossing Chain Bridge to workplaces in the District and Maryland...
To access the Capital Crescent Trail from Chain Bridge, cyclists maneuver down a zig-zag ramp to the C&O Canal tow path. If they want to head north, they have to cross Canal Road, without a crosswalk, walk along the edge of the road to a wooded footpath that leads to the Crescent Trail. The other option is to ride the tow path south about a mile to Flecher's Cove, switch onto the Capital Crescent, then reverse direction and ride back north, to access places like Bethesda.
"The C&O between Chain Bridge and Flecher's is the worst part of the entire path," says Laura Tuck, who started cycling to work on G Street with her husband, Jim DeMocker, in September. "Now, there are puddles and stuff, but it's like bone jarring, compared to outside, which is beautiful, they refinished." Tuck says the tow path can give you a headache, until you reach the pavement of the Capital Crescent. "It's just worse than washboard."
"I think more people would do this, if they made that a more hospitable spot," said DeMocker. "Fist-size cobblestone type things, I mean, they just poke up.
Even having to dodge puddles, stones and cars, Tuck says, "It's taken the worst part of our day, which is the commute, and made it just the best part. The sun rises about 7:15 and the steam coming up over the river, and it is just so nice."...
Labels: bike commuting, chain bridge
FABB Safe Routes to School page
We recently created a FABB web page to summarize the various online Safe Routes to School resources, Safe Routes to School in Fairfax. Over the past couple of years FABB members have been working with an informal coalition of advocates to encourage more kids to bike to school. In order to accomplish that goal, we need safer bicycle routes, educated riders, and supportive parents and school staff.There are many challenges but we've made some progress. See our blog posts about FABB's Safe Routes to School-related work. If you have ideas for other information that should be included on the page, let us know.
Labels: safe routes to school
VDOT N. Va. District Chief takes job in Richmond
VDOT announced today that Garrett Moore, VDOT Northern Virginia District Chief, has been named the new VDOT chief engineer.![]() |
Garrett Moore, VDOT |
Moore will be accountable for the quality, cost and timeliness of all engineering plans associated with VDOT construction projects. He will also be in charge of the maintenance and operations program of the third-largest state-maintained highway system in the country.
As the northern Virginia district administrator, Moore led a complex transportation program resulting in the successful completion of the 495 Express Lanes; the start of the 95 Express Lanes; 25-mile resurfacing of the Fairfax County Parkway; significant expansion of the snow removal efforts, including increased use of technology and innovation; and many other projects.
Garrett understood the issues, was realistic in his assessment of the challenges, and gave us hope that the issues would be addressed. A study has since been commissioned to assess the condition of the Parkway trail, using information that FABB collected. We're hopeful that large sections of the trail will be repaved in the near future. The ball is in our court to generate support among NoVa bicyclists for formation of a NoVa District bicycle advisory committee. It's on our list of things to do.
We wish Garrett well on his new job.
Labels: garrett moore, vdot
Broken transportation system
To see current incidents on NoVa roads visit VDOT's 511 site. In the image on the right I've just selected "High Priority Incidents" and "Other Incidents" today at 5:50 p.m., the height of rush hour. Most of these incidents are "delays due to congestion," but others are likely due to crashes.
Developing a connected, safe, bicycle network would help greatly, especially in our more dense areas such as Tysons, Merrifield, Springfield, and inside the Beltway.
Labels: congestion, driverless car, vdot 511
WABA holiday party is tonight
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Flyer by LA Johnson |
There’s a $5 suggested donation for WABA members. If you’re not a member, become one for the year for the discounted price of $25. You can sign up here or register at the door.
Need a ride over to Smith Commons? The Assembly will be leading a group there, beginning at 6 p.m. at BicycleSpace at 1019 7th Street NW.
See you tonight!
Labels: holiday party, waba
New positions at WABA
WABA is creating three new positions and hiring two new staff. The new positions are Advocacy Coordinator, Outreach Coordinator, and Communications Coordinator. Current staff Greg Billing and Nelle Pierson will fill the Advocacy (Greg) and Outreach (Nelle) positions. Alex Baca was hired as the Communications Coordinator and a new Events Coordinator is being hired.These changes are described in the article Reorganizing and Regrouping for a Regional Approach in the Winter Ride On newsletter. The newsletter is not yet available online:
To fill the gaps created by these promotions, WABA has hired a new Communications Coordinator and is currently interviewing for a new Events Coordinator. Our new Communications Coordinator will be Alex Baca—a longtime member and intelligent voice of cycling who some of you may have met at this year's 50 States Ride. You may also know her work from the Washington City Paper, where she was an Assistant Editor...
Without adapting we can continue to win the local battles but we would lack the capacity to bring the regional change that is needed. With this change and your support I believe we can win on both levels.
Labels: alex baca, greg billing, nelle pierson, waba
Soapstone bike lanes swept
Sweeping Soapstone Dr bike lanes |
Kudos and thanks to VDOT for being proactive and sweeping the lanes. They aren't much use to cyclists when filled with leaves and debris.
Labels: soapstone drive, street sweeping, vdot
Help us make Fairfax more bike friendly
Make Your Year-End Donation to Fairfax Advocates for Better Bicycling!

- Pass and implement the Countywide Bicycle Master Plan
- Hire a Safe Routes to School coordinator for Fairfax County
- Expand our bike counting effort
- Conduct bicycle safety campaigns
- Ensure that biking facilities are in place for the opening of the Silver Line
- Spearheaded inaugural Fairfax Bike Summit
- Played key role in developing the Countywide Bicycle Master Plan
- Changed school policy so that parents (not faculty) decide whether children can walk and bike to school
- Enhanced school policy to include bicycle safety education programs
- Installed three bike racks in the Town of Vienna
- Formed Tysons Bike Group
- Assessed condition of Fairfax County Parkway Trail
- Advocated for first ever sharrows in Fairfax County
- Conducted bike counts at multiple locations
- Held first FABB Social Rides and FABB Happy Hour
- Added bike tourism information to Visit Fairfax
Bruce Wright
FABB Chairman
Labels: FABB
Fairfax school receives SRTS mini grant
Kent Gardens Elementary School in McLean was one of four Virginia schools awarded $1,000 mini grants. They plan to purchase two bike racks. We've been in touch with the school and hope to meet with them to discuss bicycle safety classes and possible formation of a bike train. Congratulations to Kent Gardens.The deadline for applying for the next round of Quick Start Mini-grants is December 20. The grants are great for holding bike rodeos, holding bike safety classes, or purchasing incentives for kids who participate in walk and bike to school days.
Labels: fcps, kent gardens es, safe routes to school
New safety posters from VBF
Virginia Bicycling Federation recently created two new safety posters that can be downloaded and printed. "Light up the night-Be Safe Be Seen" encourages cyclists to use front and rear lights and to wear visible clothing. Virginia law requires that bicyclists use front and rear lights at night on roads with a speed limit of 35 mph or greater. On roads with lower speed limits a front light and rear reflector are required but it's recommended that you use both front and rear lights.The second poster has a more subtle message, "Don't be color blind-Same Rights, Same Responsibilities." It took a minute to figure out that "color blind" was referring to the red light signal in the image. Having the word "blind" highlighted in red was a clue.
Kudos to VBF for creating these posters and making them available to the public.
FABB will be holding bike safety events this winter. We just heard that our grant application for purchasing lights and reflective gear was approved so we'll be stocking up on lights and reflective pants straps; stay tuned for more info about those events.
Transportation training at MWCOG
Training at MWCOG |
A group of current or emerging citizen leaders and other interested individuals from around the Washington region gathered recently to learn about how transportation decisions are made in the region and how to become more involved in the decision-making process.
The 19 individuals, each of whom has been recognized as a force of change in his or her respective community, met on Thursday, Nov. 29, and Saturday, Dec. 1, for the Transportation Planning Board's Community Leadership Institute, or CLI, normally held in the spring and fall each year.
The first CLI took place in 2006 after TPB staff conceived it as a way to help citizen leaders connect the interests of the local communities and organizations they serve with the broader challenges facing the entire metropolitan area.
Since then, the TPB has hosted ten CLIs. At the most recent one, Todd Turner, who attended a 2008 CLI and now serves as the Chair of the TPB, welcomed participants and encouraged them to get more involved in regional decision-making.
A diverse agenda of educational presentations, experiential group learning, and interactive discussions has always been central to the CLI curriculum.
Key presentations provide participants with information about the TPB and its partners, including state and local departments of transportation and elected officials, and help explain the many different processes -- at the regional, state, and local levels -- for developing and advancing individual transportation projects.
Presentations also describe some of the key transportation challenges facing the region, especially worsening roadway congestion, inefficient land-use and development patterns, and severe funding shortfalls.
One of the main interactive group activities at the most recent session emphasized the crucial link between transportation and land-use and highlighted the challenge of accommodating future growth in the region.
In the first part of the exercise, groups each proposed on a map where to concentrate the growth of nearly 700,000 new households and more than 1.3 million new jobs that is forecast to occur through 2040 and what transportation improvements need to be made to accommodate the new growth.
Groups also had to confront the region's funding challenges in the second part of the activity by adding up the costs of their proposed improvements and identifying sources of new funding to pay for them.
One of the other main activities in the curriculum called on participants to assume the roles of different neighborhood-level interest groups in tackling a fictitious local transportation issue. The activity underscored the obstacles and opportunities that exist in trying to build consensus among people who have differing opinions and perspectives.
Peter Shapiro, who served on the Prince George's County Council from 1998 to 2004 and as Chair of the TPB in 2003, facilitated the workshop.
On Wednesday, Dec. 19, during its next regularly-scheduled meeting, the TPB will hold a brief ceremony to honor the 19 "graduates" of this fall's CLI session.
The date of the next Community Leadership Institute has yet to be set, but once it is, the TPB and its staff will begin to recruit individuals who are interested in attending and invite them to submit a formal application.
Labels: mwcog, transportation planning board
Comments on Route 7 widening project
In an earlier blog post we mentioned that VDOT is planning to widen Route 7 to 3 lanes in each direction from Reston Avenue to the Dulles Toll Road at Tysons. Wide sidepaths are planned on each side of the road. The last day for making comments on the project is Saturday, Dec. 8. Comments should be sent to meeting_comments@vdot.virginia.gov with the subject heading "Route 7 Widening - Reston Avenue to Jarrett Valley Drive." We submitted the following comments today:- Public transit should be an integral part of the widening project, preferably on dedicated right of way. That right of way could be shared with bicyclists.
- We strongly support the inclusion of multi-use sidepats on both sides of Route 7. These sidepaths should have the same or similar elevation profile as the roadway and be as straight as possible. If not, the route could be hilly and divergent from the roadway and would not be an efficient way for bicyclists to travel along the corridor.
- Intersections of the sidepaths and the roads should be designed for maximum bicycle and pedestrian safety. Curb radii should not be so wide as to allow motorists to exit without yielding to pedestrians. Pedestrian-activiated signals should use the "rest in walk" concept which allows a longer crossing signal for pedestrians and bicyclists and does not require bicyclists to stop to activate the signal. Motorists are not required to get out of their cars to push a button to cross intersections, and trail users should not have to do the same, especially along the mainline of Route 7.
- There should be close coordination with the VDOT project to replace the Route 7 bridge over the Toll road that is located just east of this project. The trail through the Toll Road intersection should be grade-separated, and the transition between the two projects needs to be planned carefully.
Bruce Wright
Interview with FABB chairman
I was interviewed recently by Kate Ryan of WTOP News. Kate was at the Reston Town Center covering the two rides that were held there on Thanksgiving morning. We discussed bicycling in Reston and Tysons and the bicycle master plan. Note the sign in the background that states No Bicycling along with No Roller Skating, Soliciting, Trespassing or Loitering. Initially I thought the sign referred to activities banned on the sidewalk but lumping it in with Trespassing, Loitering, and Soliciting doesn't make sense. I'll check on it. Here's a link to the interview:Kate writes the bike blog Lane Change. According to Kate, she is "a DC-based reporter shifting from the driver's seat to the bike lane. And you can come along for the ride."
Labels: bruce wright, kate ryan, reston town center