Consider Donating to FABB on Giving Tuesday
FABB tour of Tysons bike lanes |
Labels: donation, giving tuesday
Faces of Fairfax - Beth Gamble
Beth Gamble, a resident of Burke, told FABB her commute to the Virginia Railway Express station benefits from a beautiful trail that runs from near her home straight to the station.Labels: burke, FABB, Faces of Fairfax
Happy Thanksgiving and #OptOutside Friday from FABB!
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bikes@vienna's Guilt Reduction Ride 2008 |
REI set a great precedent this year by closing on Black Friday and suggesting everyone #OptOutside. Here are a few riding opportunities. Except for the bikes@vienna ride, be sure to check with the shop or club to make sure the ride will be held this weekend:
Spokes, Etc. Carl's Vienna Shop Ride - "Join Carl at the Vienna store for 20-25 miles of road and trail riding every Saturday morning! We will meet at the shop at 7:45am for a 8am roll-out and a 1-1.5 hour ride. Please join us! More information is available by joining the Vienna Shop Ride Google group. Please contact to join!"
The Bike Lane Saturday Rides - TBL sponsors two Saturday rides: WheelWomen Road Bike Rides, "a 20 mile ride women's road ride along the roads in Reston, VA. Our average pace is 12-15 mph and its a no drop ride;" and TBL Saturday Morning Road Rides, "a ride on the rolling roads of Reston. We average 17/18mph over 29 miles and travel through neighborhoods and on main roads. The majority of the ride is on the roads on rolling terrain with a few hills to climb." Both rides leave The Bike Lane at 9am.
Performance Reston Saturday Ride - "A beginner level Saturday morning group ride, starting and ending at Performance Bicycle. The ride is for beginners, those getting back in the saddle, or riders who want to add some variety to their cycling. The ride will last approximately one hour, and will go at an average pace of between 12 and 15 miles per hour." Ride leaves at 9am.
Also check the Reston Bike Club and Potomac Pedalers ride calendars for more rides. If you know of other group rides open to the public this weekend, use the comments section.
Labels: bike rides, bikes at vienna, performance, spokes etc., the bike lane
Safety First, Expansion Later - Double Standard?
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AP Photo/Andrew Harnik |
Replace "Metro" with "regional DOT" in the following statements by Sec. Foxx and imagine what an impact this would have on traffic safety, a much more serious problem in the DC Metro area:
“When we are comfortable they’ve achieved levels of safety that are commensurate with what the traveling public should expect, and until that time they are going to be focusing on safety,” Foxx said.
Foxx said expanding capacity eventually may be necessary, but federal funding will not start paying for new stuff until Metro [regional DOTs] fixes what it already has.
“Over the long, long, long haul, this is a growing area and obviously there will be pressures on the system to grow in the future, but that future right now is far off because the focus needs to be on safety,” he said.
Labels: Metro, traffic safety, wmata
Reston Association to Plow Snow on County Trails in Reston
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County trails in Reston [click on image for pdf version] |
The RA Board agreed to "authorize Reston Association’s CEO to enter into trail maintenance agreements with Fairfax County Board of Supervisors and the Fairfax County Park Authority to provide limited routine maintenance on County-owned trails in Reston, subject to the review and approval of the Association’s land use counsel."
According to the draft snow removal agreement (p. 117), RA will "provide routine maintenance on approximately 1.5 miles of County and Park Authority owned trails throughout Reston. Such routine maintenance will include general debris removal, minor asphalt patching, pruning/edge mowing, leaf removal as necessary, and snow plowing. In the proposed agreement, the County trails will be repaired before the Association accepts any routine maintenance responsibility (including especially problematic stretches such as those on Wiehle Avenue and Sunrise Valley Drive), and the County will be responsible for major repairs and capital replacement." (emphasis added).
According to Reston Now, RA will cover the $15,000 cost for this routine maintenance. Reston currently spends over $800,000/year to maintain their 55 miles of trails. This year Fairfax County budgeted a measly $300,000 for "emergency and critical maintenance requirements for County trails (229 miles), sidewalks (425 miles) and (67) pedestrian bridges." Can't we do better than that? Is it any wonder that our exiting trails are crumbling and that almost none of them are plowed in the winter?
Kudos to Reston Association for helping bicyclists and pedestrians safely reach the Wiehle station and other nearby destinations throughout the year. Fairfax County needs to fund basic maintenance of their trails and come up with a plan for clearing snow near important destinations such as activity and transit centers. NoVa Parks recently agreed to plow the W&OD Trail. It's time for Fairfax County to get with the program.
Labels: reston association, snow, snow plowing, trail maintenance
I Drive Like Grandma and Proud of it
Isn't it interesting how motorists refer to other motorists who obey the law with the denigrating term "Drive like Grandma." If you go the speed limit, stop at stop signs and red lights, and generally are a safe driver, then you probably drive like Grandma, and by implication, some people think that's a bad thing.I've noticed this when driving lately. Being sensitive to criticism about scofflaw bicyclists, and there certainly are some, I've become a more conscientious bicyclist. I've also decided to become a better driver, going at or near the speed limit, coming to a complete stop at STOP signs and before turning right on red lights, looking both ways for bicyclists and pedestrians. In other words, being a safer driver and doing what is taught in Driver's Ed.
It seems the more I obey the law, the more upset motorists behind me get. People ride on my bumper, honk when I slow down to turn right, almost rear-end me when I come to a stop before turning right on red. Almost no one stops at STOP signs or before turning right on red anymore unless they absolutely have to. This behavior is very dangerous to pedestrians and bicyclists.
As Fairfax becomes a more urban place, more of us are going to have to start "Driving like Grandma," and you know what, that will be a good thing. Please, Drive like Grandma.
We might as well get used to it anyway, since before long we'll be riding in autonomous vehicles. See the article Google Cars 'Drive Like Your Grandma':
Labels: drive like grandma, scofflaw motorists
CTB Public Meeting on I-66 on Dec. 8
On December 8 the public will have an opportunity to speak to the Commonwealth Transportation Board (CTB) about plans for changes to I-66 inside and outside the Beltway. The meeting will be held at George Mason High School, 7124 Leesburg Pike, Falls Church from 6-8 pm. Cyclists are encouraged to attend the meeting and sign up to speak in favor of the proposed parallel trail and bike facilities on the rebuilt bridges. The parallel trail would be an extension of the very popular Custis Trail inside the Beltway.Labels: custis trail, i-66, I-66 multimodal study
Faces of Fairfax - Sarah
Sarah talked to FABB on Bike to Work Day 2015 while proudly wearing her BTWD t-shirt. She lives in Falls Church and commutes by bike to DC to her job in the NoMa neighborhood just north of Union Station. Sarah told FABB that she has been commuting by bicycle all around the DC metro area for many years. She said she loves riding and, in particular, loves the wind in her hair and how energized biking makes her feel.Labels: dc, FABB, Faces of Fairfax, falls church
Free Access to Metro Bike & Ride Parking
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Photo: Washington Post |
Like the Wiehe-Reston East bike room, the fees to use the secure room were very affordable. Nevertheless, the fees and application process were a barrier to use of the room. Making the rooms more accessible should encourage more people to bike to the stations.
At the Wiehle station, the free, covered bike parking just outside the secure room is usually filled to capacity. The bike room, while heavily used, has considerable room for additional bikes to be parked. We think the county will now face some pressure to follow WMATA's lead and make the Wiehle room more accessibly as well. It would no longer be a "secure" room since anyone with a SmartTrip card could enter, but most people lock their bikes in the room anyway. Cameras are located in the room which add a level of security if access is opened up.
The Wiehle bike room isn't exactly secure now. Not long ago, on two occasions we were filming a segment on bike parking in the covered area outside the bike room. Within a few minutes security guards approached and asked what we were doing. They told us that several unlocked bikes had been stolen from the bike room recently. It's reassuring that they were keeping watch to ensure it didn't happen again. That was the first we had heard of the problem. We've been told by the county that they are working to make the room more secure.
Police do report bike thefts. We have tried to get geo-referenced bike theft data but have not been successful, although we haven't pressed the issue. We know the data is available in The Daily Blotter published by Fairfax Co police.
When we asked for a digital file we were told that the "police blotter is a report put together manually with the creator looking at the exact address and changing it in the Word document to a block number. This is not a field that is readily available." Sounds like the process could be relatively easily automated. If you'd like to volunteer to extract the bicycle theft data for the blotter, please let us know. The goal would be production of a map showing bike thefts in the county. Wouldn't you want to know where thefts are occurring?
Labels: bike thefts, college park, park and ride, wiehle station bike room
FABB and Police Bicycle Safety Videos
In 2013 FABB and WABA met with Fairfax County Police to discuss how we can work together to improve bicycle safety (see our Jul-Aug 2013 newsletter). In various previous encounters with police, members of FABB heard statements from police that concerned us regarding behavior of bicyclists and motorists, and about cyclists rights. We wanted to reach out to police to ensure rank and file officers were aware of Virginia law as it applies to bicyclists.At the meeting we agreed to work with police on production of a bicycle safety video to be shown to all Fairfax County police at roll call. Our goal for the video was to illustrate various aspects of Virginia law as it applies to bicyclists, focusing on those laws that are often misinterpreted. We hoped production of the video would lead to further cooperation with police and a better understanding by all police of bicyclists' rights and responsibilities. FABB would help with the script and we offered to provide locations and bicyclists to appear in the video.
Shortly after that meeting we drafted a script that could be used as a starting point for the video. We based the script on what we thought was a very good police training video produced by Portland police in cooperation with their local bicycle advocacy group. Another good police training video was produced for Maryland police.
We presented the script to our police contact and were told the script would need to be reviewed internally and they would get back to us. A year later, after numerous inquiries about the status of the video, we learned that police had a final script and were preparing to film the video. We did not review the script nor were we invited to participate in the filming. We were told we could attend the filming if we wanted.
We were very disappointed with the final script. Rather than focusing on important concepts of bicycle law, the video concentrated on basic definitions and some minor aspects of the law as it applies to bicyclists, mostly unlawful cyclist behavior such has holding onto a moving vehicle, wearing earbuds in both ears, and carrying an object on the handlebars.
We think one of the most important aspects of VA bicycle code is knowing where cyclists should ride when riding on the road. We are not required to ride to the far right, only as far to the right as is safely practicable. On a road that is too narrow to share with motorists, which is almost all roads in Fairfax County, bicyclists may ride even further from the curb, "taking the lane." This concept is only briefly mentioned and not illustrated half way through the video.
Under a section labelled "Kiss and Ride" the video devotes over a minute explaining why it's ok for motorists to block a bike lane. There is almost no mention of motorist responsibilities such as stopping when turning right on red, obeying the speed limit, etc. There's no mention of common motorist actions that cause crashes.
In response to this video we produced our own draft video that we hoped would be used by police to form the basis of a second video focusing on our concerns. We shared the video with police. The rough draft was sent to station commanders.
The moral of this story is to be careful what you ask for. While the police-produced video illustrates some good points, we think it is very focused on enforcement of bicyclist behavior and not on bicycle safety. You decide:
Video produced by Fairfax County Police
Draft Video produced by FABB
Meeting on Future Transportation Options on Route 7
Northern Virginia Transportation Commission is holding a meeting on Wednesday, Nov. 18 to discuss transit and other transportation options along Route 7 between Tysons and Alexandria. The project is known as Envision Route 7.This is the same night as the NoVa Bikeway Study meeting and the FABB meeting. If you can't attend the Route 7 meeting you can submit comments using the Route 7 CrowdSource map. Several people have added comments about the need for better bicycle and pedestrian access along Route 7 for making short trips to Metro and other local destinations.
From the Envision Route 7 team:
If you can't join us in Bailey's Crossroads, visit our website. There you will find a short video describing the study as well as an infographic summarizing the material from the previous meetings in Alexandria and Falls Church. Have something to say about the study? Use the CrowdSource map on the website and link your comment to a location along Route 7.
Envision Route 7 Public Meeting:
Wednesday, November 18, 2015 (7-9 p.m.)
Glen Forest Elementary School
Ground Floor Cafeteria
5829 Glen Forest Drive, Falls Church, VA 22041
To learn more go to
Labels: envision route 7, northern virginia transportation commission, route 7
VDOT Receives National Safety Award for Lawyers Road
Today VDOT received a National Roadway Safety Award for making Lawyers Road and Soapstone Drive safer by implementing a road diet that also created bike lanes. The Lawyers Road project was the first "road diet" in Virginia and has proven to be very successful. FABB was heavily involved in supporting the project. Congratulations to VDOT. Several more road diet projects were implemented this summer, in part based on the success of these two projects.
(Washington, DC) -- During a national awards ceremony on Capitol Hill, the Roadway Safety Foundation (RSF) and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) today honored the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) for its two Reston Road Diet projects, which were designed to increase safety by reducing the number of lanes on 2-mile segments of both Lawyers Road and Soapstone Drive in Fairfax County. Together, these projects jointly received one of 10 2015 National Roadway Safety Awards.
These heavily traveled sections of roadway carry about 10,000 vehicles per day and were prone to excessive speeding. VDOT implemented the Road Diets by cutting the number of through lanes in half to two and adding a center turn lane. There was virtually no cost since the projects were implemented in conjunction with other paving projects. In addition, the extra width of the roadways were converted into bicycle lanes, building on the multimodal transportation network in the Reston area focused on improving safety and mobility of cyclists, pedestrians and motorists. Following project completion, crashes decreased by 69 percent on Lawyers Road and 67 percent on Soapstone Drive.
“We are just pleased that in working with the community, we have been able to put in minor changes that make a major improvement to safety for drivers, cyclists and pedestrians,” said Helen Cuervo, Northern Virginia district administrator for VDOT. “We are making the best use possible of the pavement, and because we’re seizing the opportunity to adjust the designs during regularly scheduled work, these changes come at very low cost.”
CONTACT: Cathy Gillen
cell (443) 463-4449
Labels: lawyers road, national roadway safety award, road diet, soapstone drive, vdot
VDOT Meeting Tonight on Major Transportation Projects
Tonight VDOT is holding a meeting at their NoVa headquarters from 6-8 pm on prioritizing major transportation projects in the district. See the meeting materials, including a map showing the location of proposed projects and a list of the projects. Most of the projects involve widening major roads. Comments are being accepted until Dec. 11. All projects should include safe bicycle facilities.You are invited to share your input on transportation improvements during pub- lic meetings held by the Commonwealth Transportation Board. The meetings will begin with an open house, displaying a list of proposed local and regional projects that will be scored through a new prioritization process under a new law called House Bill Two (HB2). The open house will be followed by a town hall session, where you can engage in discussion and ask questions about the projects. There will be no formal comment period.
Monday, November 16, 2015, 6-8 p.m.
NOVA District Office
4975 Alliance Drive Fairfax, VA 22030
Faces of Fairfax - Derek
Derek from Burke was kind enough to pause in his commute on Bike to Work Day to answer FABB’s short survey. This speedy biker was direct and to the point.Labels: burke, FABB, Faces of Fairfax
US DOT Secretary Foxx: Transportation Must be Multimodal
U.S. DOT Secretary Foxx recently spoke at a transportation conference in Virginia according to an article in Inside Business entitled U.S. Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx: South needs detour from relying on road expansions.Noting that the population of the southeast is projected to double by 2050, Secretary Foxx said we must have multimodal solutions for our transportation problems, with roads, public transit, good walking environments and good land planning included as part of the equation for every community.
"When you put all your eggs in one basket and you get too many eggs, the eggs start falling out. And what’s happening in the South is that we’ve been so road dominant for so long, now that the rest of the country has figured out that it’s a great place to be with four seasons, with great business climates, with all kinds of great advantages, now you’re seeing a rush of population into these areas, and the reality is the road systems can’t handle it. And even if you widen roads, it’s going to help for a little while, but it won’t help forever.”
Labels: anthony foxx
Congressman Blumenaber's response to Post op-ed
Congressman Earl Blumenauer recently responded to a Washington Post op-ed Our political divide on transportation in which the author of the op-ed invents what he calls the "congestion lobby" which he claims is fighting road expansion as part of a campaign of "social engineering: getting people out of their soulless single-family suburban homes and into vibrant multiethnic communities; having them ditch their environment-destroying SUVs in favor of sustainable light rail; and supporting the urban disadvantaged instead of a privileged suburban class."Here is Congressman Blumenauer's response:
Younger Americans don’t just drive less — many choose not to have driver’s licenses. They would rather spend their time and money on technology and experiences. They use cars without being tethered to them. Increasingly, many prefer biking, taxis and ride-hailing services and mass transit. Their baby-boomer parents and grandparents are finding the car-dominated lifestyle in which they grew up to be increasingly unsatisfying. They, too, are moving to urban neighborhoods and reducing their automobile use.
Clearly, not everyone has abandoned motor vehicles. Some prefer to drive everywhere and don’t mind the time and expense. Because so many communities surrendered to the car long ago, too many Americans have no real choice. Those who do have choices, young and old, are opting for the balanced transportation systems of livable communities that look nothing like Mr. Atkinson’s view from the 1970s.
Earl Blumenauer, Washington
Labels: congressman blumenauer, social engineering
Comment on Fairfax Co Transportation Projects on November 16
VDOT is holding a series of meeting on proposed transportation projects in Northern Virginia region. Most of the projects in Fairfax County involve widening of major routes such as Routes 1, 7, and 28. See the full list of projects (search for Fairfax County). The Fairfax meeting will be held on Monday, November 16 at VDOT's NoVa Headquarters.From VDOT:
You are invited to share your input on transportation improvements during pub- lic meetings held by the Commonwealth Transportation Board. The meetings will begin with an open house, displaying a list of proposed local and regional projects that will be scored through a new prioritization process under a new law called House Bill Two (HB2). The open house will be followed by a town hall session, where you can engage in discussion and ask questions about the projects. There will be no formal comment period.
Monday, November 16, 2015, 6-8 p.m.
NOVA District Office
4975 Alliance Drive Fairfax, VA 22030
Labels: commonwealth transportation board, hb 2
Meeting on Draft NoVa Bikeway Study Nov. 18
The next step is a public informational meeting for people to discuss and comment on the draft report which will be from:
6:30 – 8:30 PM on Wed, November 18, 2015
The meeting will take place at the offices of Michael Baker International.
3601 Eisenhower Ave
Alexandria, VA 22304
Greeters in the lobby will help you find the meeting room.
Please feel free to distribute the attached advertisement to anyone who might be interested in attending. We hope to see you on November 18!
Labels: northern virginia regional bikeway and trail network study
Post Article on Walkable Tysons
One of FABB's goals over the years has been to help remake Tysons from a suburban, car-dominated place to a more walkable, bikeable community. In Sunday's Washington Post article U-Va. professor takes steps to measure Tysons’ path to a pedestrian paradise a UVA professor and his students document walking conditions in a part of Tysons. As anyone who has tried to walk and bike in Tysons lately, it's a challenge.A major transformation is happening in Tysons and Tysons is a test case. If Tysons can be remade into a livable community it can set the standard for other similar communities to follow. Many people are watching this transformation, hoping that if it's successful in Fairfax, it can occur elsewhere. Conversely, many people think there are too many obstacles to overcome.
Fairfax and VDOT need to have a greater sense of urgency about improving biking and walking conditions in Tysons. We've been impressed with progress made this summer with over two miles of bike lanes created in Tysons. However bike connections to the stations are still poor and walking conditions are worse. Changes immediately around the stations should have been made BEFORE the stations opened. As it is, it will be years before basic ped infrastructure is in place. We know the county and VDOT are trying to respond; they need to do what is necessary now to make the changes happen sooner.
From the Post article:
Faces of Fairfax - Melissa England
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Melissa England |
Melissa said she rides because she hates highway traffic and loves being outside. She would like to see more bike lanes in Fairfax County to help make commuting safer.
Labels: FABB, Faces of Fairfax, mclean, vienna
Don’t Forget Me, an art book memorializing Ghost Bikes
Ghost bikes are memorials to cyclists killed while riding their bikes. Genea Barnes is a photographer who visited Ghost Bike sites around the U.S. She recently published the book Don’t Forget Me, an art book memorializing Ghost Bikes.From the news release:
Photographer Genea Barnes releases Don’t Forget Me, an art book memorializing Ghost Bikes
Labels: genea barnes, ghost bike
Nov-Dec 2015 FABB Newsletter

Vienna Metrorail Bicycle Access Improvements: $400,000[Application postponed until after planned Vienna Metrorail construction is completed.]- Cinder Bed Bikeway: $400,000
- Van Dorn Street Bicycle and Pedestrian Improvements: $400,000
- Reston Bike Share Capital Equipment: $400,000 (See FABB blog for details of recent Reston bikeshare meeting.)

- November 18, Wednesday - FABB Monthly Meeting in Vienna at 7:30 p.m.
- December 16, Wednesday - FABB Monthly Meeting at Mosaic District at 7:30 p.m.
- December 19, Saturday - Tour de Lights in Reston, 4:30-6 p.m.
Labels: adam lind, candidate survey, fabb newsletter, i-66, I-66 multimodal study, rackspotter, safe routes to school, soapstone connector, soapstone drive, transportation alternatives, wakefield park
Faces of Fairfax -Sunil, Ariji, and Paresh
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Sunil, Ariji, and Paresh |
FABB continues to work with Fairfax County to implement the county’s Bicycle Master Plan, which includes recommendations to expand on-road and off-road facilities as part of a larger bicycle transportation network that will make Fairfax County more bicycle friendly.
Labels: bicycle master plan, FABB, Faces of Fairfax, falls church, w&od trail
Participants still needed for FHWA study on bicycle signs and signs
As we mentioned in an earlier blog post, the Turner-Fairbanks Highway Research Center is conducting a study on bicycle signals and signs. Researchers are still looking for bicyclists to help with the study.I recently participated in the study. Participants are shown a road with bike lanes at an intersection. You will be asked your opinion about several bicycle directional signs and signals. It's a painless process and you are paid for your time. The study will likely continue through November.
From FHWA:
We are currently researching the design and implementation of bicycle traffic signals and signs intended to improve the safety of the bicyclist when at an intersection.
We really value your opinion as a bicyclist.
Study Information
What: Research study on bicycle traffic signs and other transportation studies
Where: Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center – 6300 Georgetown Pike, McLean, VA 22101
Requirements: At least 18 years of age with a valid driver’s license and must bike regularly (at least 2 times a week)
How to sign up: Call or email us: (202) 493-3335
Labels: bicycle signals, fhwa, turner-fairbanks highway research center