Census Bureau App Tracks Bicycle Commuting Numbers
The Census Bureau recently released a web application that provides commuter mode share information (the percentage of travelers or number of trips using a particular type of transportation), including bicycle and walking commuting numbers, for each state, county, and census tract in the country. Not surprisingly, the map shows that bicycling in the Washington metro area is concentrated in the neighborhoods surrounding downtown D.C., Capitol Hill, and North Arlington. Census tracts in Fairfax County show that areas abutting major facilities such as the W&OD and Mt. Vernon Trails tend to have higher levels of bicycling than the surrounding suburban tracts.Submitted by Steven Ward, FABB
Labels: bike commuting, census
I-66 project meeting Thursday at VDOT NoVa offices
VDOT is holding the first Fairfax County I-66 Multimodal project meeting on Thursday, January 29 at the VDOT Northern Virginia District Office, 1st Floor, Occoquan Room, 4975 Alliance Drive, Fairfax, VA 22030 from 6:00 p.m. until 8:30 p.m.Please consider attending one of the I-66 meetings to learn more about the project and voice your support for bike access, or Take Action Now to insist that biking and walking be an integral part of the planned multi-modal improvements to the I-66 corridor.
Providing bicycle and pedestrian facilities along I-66 will:
- Improve bicycle and pedestrian access to transit and surrounding neighborhoods
- Promote biking for both long distance and short local trips
- Reduce traffic congestion along I-66 and neighboring roads
- Provide a great recreational asset and opportunities for physical fitness
- Tuesday, February 3, at Oakton High School in Vienna from 6:00 p.m. until 8:30 p.m.
- Thursday, February 5, at the VDOT Northern Virginia District Office in Fairfax from 6:00 p.m. until 8:30 p.m.
Labels: custis trail, I-66 multimodal study
W&OD Trail not quite clear in Reston area
Long sections of the W&OD Trail are still snow and ice covered in the Reston area. According to NVRPA staff, the recent snowfall amount was not enough to allow them to use their snow blower. It's unfortunate because there is enough snow that it will likely cover sections of the trail for several days. NVRPA did have a crew out clearing snow at some of the intersections.You can see from the first photo below that there's lots of ice and snow from Old Reston Ave toward the east for as far as you can see. You can also see the tire tracks of the NVRPA truck that passed through.
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Looking east near Old Reston Ave |
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Looking east toward Wiehle Ave |
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Sidewalks at Wiehle station, looking west from Wiehle Ave |
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Wiehle Ave trail looking south |
Labels: snow, W and OD Trail, wiehle-reston east
Updated Capital Region Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Shows Growth of Biking and Biking Facilities in Area
The Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments (MWCOG) has updated and posted its "Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan for the National Capital Region” on the MWCOG website. One of the plan’s key findings was that, based on information from the census bureau’s annual American Community Survey (ACS), the percentage of people who biked to work on an average day in the Washington area doubled from 0.3% to 0.6% over the first decade of the 21st century and, in Fairfax County, the commute by bike mode share went from .14% in 2000 to .3% in 2012.The council, with help from bike coordinators from local and state departments of transportation and civilian advocates on its Bicycle and Pedestrian Subcommittee, has identified major bicycle and pedestrian projects the region wants to complete by 2040 along with “best practices” likely to be effective in achieving those goals. The updated plan includes lots of interesting data points about bicycling in Fairfax County.
In addition to mode share (the percentage of travelers or number of trips using a particular type of transportation), the plan discusses trends in policy and safety.
For example, Fairfax County is on par with or ahead of most of its neighbors by having 1 Full Time Equivalent (FTE) bicycle planner, 1 FTE pedestrian planner, and 2 FTE trail planners. Similarly, Fairfax County’s full-time, school district-level Safe Routes to School Coordinator keeps it on par with or ahead of most of its neighbors. Fairfax County schools’ participation in Bike to School Day dropped from 35 to 32 schools between 2013 and 2014 but was still the highest in the region.
With regard to safety, the updated plan notes that bike injuries in the region have been rising sharply since 2010, driven largely by the increase in bicycling in the District of Columbia. In Fairfax in 2012, there were 9 bike crashes and 10 bike injuries per 100,000 residents. Annual average fatalities for the period of 2011 to 2013 for Fairfax included pedestrians and cyclists and at .77 per 100,000 residents were the second lowest in the region (Fairfax’s estimated 2013 population was 1,130,924). Such fatalities have been declining in Fairfax, dropping from 13 in 2010 to 8 in 2013. Of those, 4 fatalities were bicyclists in 2010 and there were 0 bicyclist fatalities in 2013.
Finally, the updated plan includes an appendix that lists and provides basic information on 336 bicycle and pedestrian projects planned for the National Capital Region and 73 projects completed since 2006. According to the council, the planned facilities, if completed, will provide 450 miles of bicycle lanes, 630 miles of shared-used paths and signed bicycle routes, and 20 major pedestrian/bicycle intersection improvement projects.
Bike Coordinator Charlie Strunk retires; Wiehle bike room named in his honor
On January 13 Charlie Strunk, the county's first and so far only bike coordinator, retired. Charlie had a long career with the county. One of his earliest projects was working on the Fairfax County Parkway construction project. He became bike coordinator in 2006 and received the FABB Award of Recognition in 2012. He also received the 2009 Transportation Achievement Award from the Transportation Advisory Commission.Vanessa Aguayo is serving as acting bike coordinator until the position is filled. We've heard that interviews have been conducted and that a coordinator will be hired in the near future.
On Charlie's last day with the county the Board of Supervisors renamed the Wiehle-Reston East bike room in his honor and the county will place a plaque there recognizing his accomplishments.
Charlie worked hard with the developers of the station, Comstock Partners, to ensure that first-class bike parking was provided. While FABB was supportive, Charlie deserves almost all of credit for making it happen. Congratulations Charlie!
From the January 13 Board of Supervisors meeting summary:
In a joint Board Matter with the Board, Supervisor Hudgins said that she is seeking the Board’s endorsement of naming the Wiehle Reston-East Metrorail Station bicycle parking room after Charlie Strunk. He has been the County’s first Bicycle Program Manager and will be retiring from County service today.
Supervisor Hudgins referred to her written Board Matter and outlined the history of the County Bicycle Program and Mr. Strunk’s involvement with the program.
Supervisor Hudgins announced that in 2014, with the opening of the Silver Line, the Department of Transportation (DOT) also opened the Wiehle Reston-East Metrorail Station Bicycle Parking Room. It is the first secure bicycle room in the County. Mr. Strunk led not only the design efforts, but coordinated with other County departments, stakeholders, and advocacy groups to ensure all voices and concerns were heard.
The Wiehle Reston-East Bike Room currently has 300 members from all over the region, including Maryland and the District of Columbia. This bike room is a proto type for other rooms being planned at the Stringfellow Park-and-Ride Lot, the Rolling Road VRE Station, Route 1 Transit Center; as well as the Herndon and Innovation Center Metrorail Stations.
In honor of his dedication to the County and tenacity in successfully developing the bicycle program, Supervisor Hudgins moved that the Board:
- Authorize the naming of the Wiehle Reston-East Bicycle Parking Room in honor of Charlie Strunk, the County’s first Bicycle Program ManagerBoard Summary -31- January 13, 2015
- Direct that a plaque/sign be placed in the room to recognize Charlie’s significant contribution to both the Bicycle Program and the County
Labels: charlie strunk, wiehle station bike room
WABA looking for board members
WABA is seeking candidates to serve on their Board of Directors. There is currently no Fairfax County resident on the board. If you are interested, you can submit a notice of interest and explain your background in bicycling, your background in bike advocacy and outreach, your community of influence, your fundraising and development skills and background, etc. FABB is a sponsored project of WABA.From the WABA announcement:
WABA enjoys a solid foundation of loyal members and a dedicated funding base. However, we have a particular interest in candidates who can help us further expand our partnerships with a broader pool of private organizations and individuals who share and will support WABA’s goal of making the Washington area the most bicycle friendly in the world. Direct experience with membership development, institutional giving, and major gifts a plus.
WABA board members are volunteers who serve two year terms and are expected to participate in regularly scheduled board meetings, provide counsel to WABA staff in their areas of expertise, and make WABA a significant part of their individual philanthropy.
Candidates who are interested in exploring whether their skills and interests align with WABA’s are invited to make an initial expression of interest by filling out the form. If you have previously filled out an expression of interest, and remain interested, please email me at mark@waba.org. While the search for director candidates is an ongoing one, the board expects to present a slate of candidates at the February 20 annual meeting.
Labels: waba board
I-66 meeting tonight, Jan. 27, cancelled
Safer People, Safer Streets campaign
U.S. Department of Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx recently announced a campaign to improve bicycle and pedestrian safety, Mayor’s Challenge for Safer People and Safer Streets.As part of the campaign Secretary Foxx "invites Mayor’s and local elected officials to attend a Safer People, Safer Streets Summit and then take significant action over the next year to improve pedestrian and bicycle transportation safety. The Mayor’s Challenge will showcase effective local actions to improve safety, empower local leaders to take action, and promote partnerships to advance pedestrian and bicycle safety."
From the news release:
The initiative will begin in March when Mayors and staff responding to the invitation will convene at the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) headquarters for a Mayoral Summit to discuss how to build upon or implement the challenge’s seven activity areas.
The seven Challenge activities are drawn from the recommended actions stated in the2010 USDOT Policy Statement on Bicycle and Pedestrian Accommodation Regulations and Recommendations. For example, recommended actions in the policy statement include gathering and tracking data on biking and walking in their community and ensuring street designs are appropriate for pedestrian and bicycle safety. Attendees at the Summit will work with USDOT staff to identify new Departmental resources they can use during the Challenge and will network with their peers.
The Mayor’s Challenge is a vital piece of Secretary Foxx’s overall pedestrian and bicycle safety initiative. In September, Secretary Foxx announced the launch of the Safer People, Safer Streets initiative and asked USDOT field offices to conduct road safety assessments in every state. In March 2016, cities participating in the Challenge will reconvene for a capstone meeting to share lessons learned, and celebrate their success.
Click here for additional information pertaining to the Mayor’s Challenge.
Labels: anthony foxx, mayor's challenge, US DOT
I-66 meeting tonight rescheduled to Tues., Feb 3
VDOT just announced that the I-66 public information meeting is cancelled and has been rescheduled to Tuesday, February 3:
Labels: I-66 multimodal study
Post article on I-66 project
Read about the I-66 project in Tolls proposed for I-66 solo commuters, an article in Sunday's Washington Post. As we've mentioned earlier, VDOT is holding meetings this week to allow residents to provide feedback on the project. We're asking cyclists to attend to ask for an extension of the Custis Trail outside the Beltway, and for safe bicycle facilities on the bridges over I-66 that will be rebuilt as part of the project.According to the article, "Improvements to pedestrian and bicycle networks in the corridor are also part of VDOT’s multi-modal push for dealing with congestion." Now is the time to find out what improvements are planned and to ensure we don't lose a once in a generation opportunity to make the I-66 corridor more bike-friendly.
In the same article it's noted that DC is proposing to "add 10 dedicated bike lanes to its network" at a cost of $470,000.
Labels: I-66 multimodal study
Support bike facilities in I-66 corridor project - Update re: Jan 26 mtg cancelled
- Improve bicycle and pedestrian access to transit and surrounding neighborhoods
- Promote biking for both long distance and short local trips
- Reduce traffic congestion along I-66 and neighboring roads
- Provide a great recreational asset and opportunities for physical fitness
I-66 Project meeting schedule:
Labels: I-66 multimodal study
Planning Commission recommends approval of Lake Anne redevelopment project

While we support the project, we are concerned that the bike parking requirements for multi-family residences are minimal; one long-term bicycle parking space for every 10 units. Arlington requires one parking space for every 3 units. Most households own at least one bicycle and one space for every 10 units is not enough. When the county bicycle parking guidelines come before the Board of Supervisors in the near future we plan to advocate for more robust requirements.
All in all the plan seems to provide good bike accommodations and we support it. Here are the bike facilities included in the draft proffers:
47. Bicycle Facilities. At time of site plan submission for each Building(s), the Applicant shall designate bicycle racks, bike lockers, and/or bike storage areas on the Application Property, in those specific locations as identified on the Plan, which may be further refined at the time of site plan subject to FCDOT approval. Signage shall be posted on the exterior side of the buildings near the entrances to indicate bike parking available to the
public, if any. The bicycle racks shall be inverted U style racks, or of such other design approved by FCDOT. Bicycle facilities shall be installed prior to the issuance of the first RUP or Non-RUP for such use in accordance with the site plan on which the applicable bike facilities are shown.
Short-term bicycle parking shall be provided in accordance with FCDOT guidelines and located anywhere within the Application Property. Long-term bicycle parking shall be in a secure location as selected by Applicant such as a bicycle room, cage, locker, or other secure parking option. Bicycle parking shall be provided as follows, or subject to lesser rates as approved by the Director of FCDOT or his designee at time of site plan:
A. Office Bicycle Parking. The Applicant shall provide one (1) long-term bicycle parking space for every 10,000 square feet, or portion thereof, of office GFA and one (1) short-term bicycle parking space for each 20,000 square feet, or portion thereof, of office GFA.
B. Multi-family Residential Bicycle Parking. The Applicant shall provide one (1) long-term bicycle parking space for every 10 multi-family residential units and one (1) short-term bicycle parking space per every 50 multi-family residential units.
C. Retail Bicycle Parking. The Applicant shall provide one (1) long-term employee bicycle space for every 25,000 square feet of retail GFA and one (1) short-term bicycle parking space for every 10,000 square feet of retail GFA.
48. On Road Bicycle Facilities. The Applicant shall provide on-road bicycle facilities along North Shore Drive as shown on the Plan and as coordinated with both VDOT and FCDOT at time of the first site plan for Buildings A1 or A2 within the curb to curb width and in accordance with the following.
A. Along the south side of North Shore Drive, an on-road bike lane of 6 feet in width (including a two (2) foot wide gutter pan) extending east from Village Road to Cameron Crescent Drive; and
B. Along the north side of North Shore Drive, a sharrow will be provided from Cameron Crescent Drive west to Village Drive.
49. Bike Share. The Applicant has designated three (3) areas within the Application Property (one on the East Side and two on the West Side) and as reflected on the Plan for use as future bike share stations by others. Such spaces shall be made available upon request of the County at no cost to the operator of such service. If a bike share service has not requested the use of the areas after Stabilization of the East or West sides as defined herein, respectively, this proffer obligation shall become null and void and of no further force and effect.
Labels: bike parking guidelines, bike share, lake anne redevelopment
Tell VDOT to include bike facilities in I-66 project - Update re: Jan 26 mtg cancelled
- Improve bicycle and pedestrian access to transit and surrounding neighborhoods
- Promote biking for both long distance and short local trips
- Reduce traffic congestion along I-66 and neighboring roads
- Provide a great recreational asset and opportunities for physical fitness
I-66 Project meeting schedule:
Monday, January 26, 2015 - 6:00pm to 8:30pm - [MEETING CANCELLED. NEW DATE IS TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 3, SAME TIME AND PLACE.]
Oakton High School Cafeteria (Entrance #1 or #14)
2900 Sutton Road, Vienna, VA 22181
Tuesday, January 27, 2015 - 6:00pm to 8:30pm
Bull Run Elementary School Cafeteria (Entrance #1)
15301 Lee Highway, Centreville, VA 20121
Thursday, January 29, 2015 - 6:00pm to 8:30pm
VDOT Northern Virginia District Office, 1st Floor, Occoquan Room
4975 Alliance Drive, Fairfax, VA 22030
Labels: I-66 multimodal study
VBF Legislative Report 1/22/15
After some discussion, and some mild dissent from Del. Randy Minchew of Leesburg, the bill was REPORTED by a 6-1 vote, with only Minchew voting against, and now goes on to the full Trans Comm, probably on Tuesday morning at 8:30.
Last of all was Del. Carr with her (Highway Maintenance Bill - Paved Trails) HB1502, which would give the City of Richmond maintenance reimbursement at 1/2 that of highway mileage for that portion of the Capital Trail which was (and will be) built by VDOT in the City but will be the City’s to maintain (unlike the rest of the Trail, which was built by VDOT and will be maintained by them). With little sentiment by the panel members for helping the City in this way, the bill was TABLED by a 7-0 vote.
I had hoped to get up to the House Militia, Police and Public Safety SubComm meeting to support Del. Rich Anderson’s HB1926 restricting the use of Cell Phones by drivers which started at 7:30. After the meeting, I learned that HB 1926 had been TABLED on a voice vote, which will be a big disappointment to the Drive Smart people and the others working to reduce Distracted Driving, who had some hopes of getting it through. With that result, I don’t hold any hope for Sen. Wexton’s similar, but a little more strict SB1279, which will be heard next week.
Meanwhile, HB1342, the Following Too Closely bill got its 2nd reading today on the House Floor and probably will get voted on Tomorrow. If you haven’t done so, it’s not too late to contact YOUR Delegate and ask them to support it. I think its in good shape, but nothing is certain until the vote is tallied, so your contact will be a big help.
Labels: 2015 legislative session, virginia bicycling federation
Latest news from VBF on 2015 VA bike bills - 1/21/2015
VBF has posted the latest news on bike-related bills as of 1/21/2015. See the last paragraph regarding contacting your Delegate to ask them to support the following too closely bill:Labels: 2015 legislative session, virginia bicycling federation
Bike bills in 2015 VA Legislative Session
Virginia Bicycling Federation has posted a list of bike-related bills in this year's Virginia Legislature. Below are this year’s bills of interest to cyclists See also a google spreadsheet on the bike bills. Here's the info from the VBF site:Labels: 2015 legislative session, virginia bicycling federation
Extend the Custis Trail outside the Beltway along I-66
VDOT and the Department of Rail and Public Transportation (DRPT) are planning a massive construction project to add HOV lanes to I-66 outside the Beltway. According to the I-66 Corridor Improvements page, the project is meant to "transform 25 miles of I-66 into a multimodal facility that moves traffic and people more efficiently, with improvements such as express lanes, rapid bus service and a park-and-ride network from the Capital Beltway to Haymarket." There is a noticeable lack of any mention of bicycling and walking in their definition of "multimodal."Alexandria approves use of Eco-Counter on MVT
As the Washcycle reported in December, the Alexandria City Council approved a National Park Service request to place a bicycle and pedestrian counter on the Mount Vernon Trail just north of the old power plan on the Potomac. Arlington has an extensive network of these counters. According to the Arlington bike counter page:
Labels: alexandria, arlington, bike counter
Federal traffic forecasting modified to reflect decline in driving
A recent blog post on BikePortland discusses how federal traffic forecasters have finally modified future traffic estimates that reflect the decline in driving nationwide: After a decade of less driving, federal forecast shifts to match reality. Traffic forecasts are important since they are used by state and local transportation departments to justify massive road projects, and to reject bike projects.![]() |
U.S. VMT (in trillions) as tracked by FHWA's Travel Volume Trends ("Actual") and as projected by U.S. DOT's C&P reports (by year reports are dated). (Chart: SSTI) |
How much traffic will increase is a debate that affects us in very practical ways here in Portland, where (for example) the Oregon Department of Transportation has cited future traffic increases as a reason not to improve bike lanes on Southwest Barbur even though its own data shows that auto traffic on Barbur peaked in 2003.
Andy Cotugno, the transportation planning director for regional planning agency Metro, said Wednesday that his organization won’t be affected by the federal change, in part because his team’s projections already reflect the plateau in miles driven per person.
“We’ve scaled our transportation plans down to be more realistic,” said Cotugno.
Cotugno often circulates a chart showing that in the Portland metro area, driving rates per person peaked in 1996, eight years before they did the same nationally.
But Cotugno said he worries that state DOTs and other agencies are too eager to circulate overestimates for future travel demand as a way to justify the need for more money.
Labels: fhwa, traffic forecast, vmt
Bishop to be charged in cyclist's death
White bike placed near the crash site on Jan. 1 |
From the Baltimore Sun article Bishop to be charged with manslaughter in death of cyclist Thomas Palermo:
Cook will face charges of leaving the scene of a fatal accident; driving under the influence and causing an accident due to texting while driving. Both the manslaughter and leaving the scene charge carry a maximum sentence of 10 years imprisonment.
A warrant will be issued for Cook's arrest, prosecutors said.
Labels: bike crash, thomas palermo, white bike
Virginia bike-related bills in 2015 legislative session
At least three bicycle-related bills are being proposed in the 2015 Virginia legislative session:HB1342 - Driver of motor vehicle following too closely; includes non-motor vehicles - Currently it is not illegal for a motorist to tailgate a bicyclist. This bill proposes to change the existing law by removing one word, "motor." It does not make it illegal for bicyclists to ride closely in a paceline. The modified wording is below:
On Saturday the entire Fairfax delegation will hold a hearing starting at 9 a.m. at the Fairfax County Government Center. Cyclists are encouraged to attend that hearing and testify in support of these bills.
FABB 2014 Year in Review
2014 was a banner year for bicycling in Fairfax County. The county adopted their first-ever bicycle master plan which will guide the development of bicycle facilities, programs, and policies for the next 10-20 years. Below is a summary of major bike-related events during the past year.Bicycle Master Plan adopted
At their October 28 meeting the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors unanimously adopted the county's first-ever bicycle master plan. The plan is now officially incorporated into the Transportation component of the Comprehensive Plan. This is a major accomplishment for FABB and will guide development of bicycling in the county for the next 10-20 years. See our coverage of the bicycle master plan approval process.
Funding for bike projects approved by Fairfax County Board of Supervisors
The major bike-related projects included on the list are: Old Keene Mill Road Bike Shoulders ($9 million), Route 236 Corridor Improvements (bike lanes, wide curb lanes, bike shoulders, $7.5 million), Scotts Run Stream Valley Trail ($3 million), Cinderbed Road Bikeway ($4 million), Mount Vernon Memorial Highway (Potomac Heritage National Scenic Trail) ($6.5 million), Mason Neck Trail ($5 million), and improvements to Holmes Run Stream Valley Trail ($1.5 million).
In November 72% of Fairfax voters agreed to fund $100 million in pedestrian, bicycle, and some road projects. While only 6% of those funds were earmarked for bicycle projects, cyclists will likely also use many of the pedestrian projects.
Silver Line opens; cyclists flock to Wiehle station bike room
In July the five Fairfax Silver Line stations opened along with the county's first secure bike room at Wiehle station. Biking to the Wiehle and McLean stations was popular from the start, with free parking at the Wiehle station filling during the first week and the McLean station racks also heavily used. WMATA placed additional bike parking at the McLean station. Metro service along the Dulles corridor is having a major impact on redevelopment and on how residents get around. See FABB's Bicycling and the Silver Line page for links to bike routes to the stations.
NVRPA plows W&OD Trail
VDOT conducts repairs on Fairfax County Parkway trail
For the first time that we're aware of VDOT devoted extensive resources to repairing the Fairfax County Parkway Trail. FABB has advocated for repaving of the trail for several years. While only portions of the trail are being repaved, the entire length of the trail has been evaluated by VDOT and repaving and repairs are being made as needed.
VDOT also installed wayfinding signage on the Parkway trail detour in the Fair Oaks area. In other trail repair news, Fairfax County completed repairs of the Ashgrove Trail, a bicycle connection to the Spring Hill Silver Line station. If you know where other trail safety improvements are needed, use the new Pedestrian Safety Improvement Request Tool to identify them.
Route 7 bridge over Dulles Toll Road to include grade-separated trails
The Route 7 bridge over the Dulles Toll Road will be replaced and the current design includes trails on each side of the road with ramp crossings that are separated from high speed traffic. FABB and other potential trail users advocated for this design from the early stages of the project. We are also advocating for a similar treatment for the proposed trail along Route 123 under the Beltway.
Three foot passing bill adopted by Virginia
After several failed attempts, the three foot passing bill was approved by the VA Senate and House by wide margins. The law went into effect on July 1. Several other bicycle-related bills failed. VBF's 2015 legislative agenda has not yet been made public.
Bike lanes installed on Sherwood Hall Lane and Courthouse Road
As part of the repaving of Sherwood Hall Lane and Courthouse Road, VDOT reconfigured the road to reduce some on-street parking and add bike lanes along most of Sherwood Hall Lane between Fort Hunt Rd and Route 1 and on Courthouse Rd in Vienna from Route 123 to Nottoway Park. Cyclists spoke out in support of the Sherwood Hall Lane project which was approved despite some local opposition. When bicyclists attend meetings and show their support it makes a difference.
Bikesharing is feasible in Reston
According to the Reston Bike Share Feasibility Study, a bike sharing system is feasible in Reston, implemented in two phases. Phase 1 would consist of 13 stations with 130 bikes, with all but one station located north of the Toll Road. Most proposed stations would be located in the Town Center area. The station locations were determined based primarily on potential demand and the desire to reduce the space between stations. The county received $400,000 from MWCOG to begin implementing the system.
Bicycle access through Ft. Belvoir completed
The primary bicycle route through Ft. Belvoir, Woodlawn Road, was closed after 9/11. Since that time bicycle access through the facility has been difficult. With the opening of Jeff Todd Way/Mulligan Road, bike access has been restored.
Bike to School Day and other Safe Routes to School events
Route 50/Arlington Blvd Trail Concept Plan released
WABA published the Route 50/Arlington Blvd Trail Concept Plan which outlines the creation of a connected bike trail along Route 50 from Arlington to Fairfax City.
Labels: 2014 Year in Review