Wednesday, November 19, 2014

WABA Publishes Arlington Blvd/Route 50 Trail Concept Plan

Yesterday WABA released a plan for creation of a connected bike trail along Route 50 from Arlington to Fairfax City, the Arlington Boulevard Trail Concept Plan. Bike facilities on Route 50 are a high priority for FABB and WABA. Thanks to WABA for putting together this plan. Now the local jurisdictions, working with VDOT, have concrete guidance for building of this trail.

From the Executive Summary:
Arlington Boulevard runs just over twelve miles from the National Mall in Washington, DC to Fairfax City, VA, crossing several jurisdictional lines and the Potomac River along the way. The thoroughfare connects over 110,000 people living in the adjacent neighborhoods to offices, retail, parks, schools, and government services. But it lacks a consistent, high-quality bicycling route.

Such a route would encourage bicycling and walking along its length, increase the value of existing bicycle and pedestrian facilities by making them part of a more connected network, and improve the character of the corridor for all users. The Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) and the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments (MWCOG) have identified this route as an import-ant, yet underdeveloped, bicycle route in several planning documents--but to date, improvements have been piecemeal. This document shows how those piecemeal improvements could combine to form a functional trail for transportation and recreation.

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