Wednesday, August 31, 2016

HAWK Traffic Signal Installed in Springfield

Officials opening new HAWK signal crosswalk.
Photo courtesy of
FABB is pleased to report that Fairfax County’s first pedestrian-oriented HAWK traffic signal was installed on 30 August on Backlick Road near Lynbrook Elementary School in Springfield. Children and others in the area will now find it much easier to safely cross this busy highway and participate in more school events and outdoor activities. Previously, all children attending Lynbrook have been bused there because there was no safe crossing for students at Backlick Road.  You can see the inaugural walk using the new traffic signal here

Courtesy of FCDOT.
HAWK (High-intensity Activated crosswalk) signals allow for protected pedestrian crossings but stop road traffic only as needed, a benefit for walkers and motorists. When a pedestrian activates the signal by pushing a button, the HAWK beacon sequence is started, first with a flashing yellow light, then a steady yellow, and finally a steady red to stop traffic.  When the HAWK beacon displays the steady red signal, the pedestrian light displays the walking-person (walk) indicator. When vehicle traffic is about to restart, the pedestrian signal goes to steady "don't walk" indicator, remaining there until another pedestrian activates the signal. According to Federal Highway Administration research, HAWK signals reduce pedestrian crashes by 69 percent compared to crosswalks without signals. Find the user guide here

This project is a great example of a community coming together to work—over several years—with local officials to make things happen. The Lynbrook Parent Teacher Association (PTA) got the ball rolling in 2009, working with the county’s Safe Routes to School (SRTS) representative and to bring the issue to Lynbrook’s principal, Mary McNamee. The Springfield Civic Association joined in and worked with Lee District Supervisor Jeff McKay to press the Virginia and Fairfax County Departments of Transportation (VDOT and FCDOT) to create a safe crossing for the children. Although it took time, funding was eventually found to create the crossing as a pilot program. FCDOT and the Fairfax County Department of Public Works (FCDPW) also worked with the Lynbrook PTA to design and construct new sidewalks around the crossing, which were completed last summer. New Lynbrook principal Jay Nocco and 39th District Delegate Vivian Watts also helped bring the project to fruition. 

Photo courtesy of Supervisor Jeff McKay
FABB commends everyone who persevered and made this happen. Fairfax County, however, still has a way to go to be on par with some of its neighbors. DC started adding HAWK signals in 2009 and now has 13 in operation. Montgomery and Prince George’s Counties also are ahead of Fairfax. FABB is confident that Fairfax will eventually catch up and remains committed, with your help, to advocating for better bicycling and pedestrian facilities in the county. 

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Faces of Fairfax - Matt Merrill and Allison Schwartz

Allison Schwartz (left) and Matt Merrill. 
Matt “Viking to Work” Merrill and the equestrian-themed Allison Schwartz spoke to FABB at the Vienna pitstop on Bike to Work Day. Reston-resident Matt, perhaps not surprisingly, told us that he rides for fun and to make people smile. Allison commutes by bike from her home in Arlington to Reston but stressed that fun, exercise and being outside are the main reasons she rides. In response to our question about what would make bicycling better in Fairfax County, Allison asked for more bike lanes and better clearance at intersections while Matt simply requested that everyone “please follow the rules.”

FABB agrees with these suggestions and continues to advocate for the completion of the Fairfax County Bicycle Master Plan. In particular, FABB is seeking the implementation of bike safety education curriculum in county schools, updated Virginia Driver Education curriculum, and public education campaigns on sharing the road, safety at trail/roadway crossings, and other trail safety issues.

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Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Safetrack Surge #8 Underway - Franconia-Springfield to Van Dorn St

WMATA's project to inspect and repair Metrorail tracks, Safetrack, will continue through the rest of this year and into next. Surge #8 started on August 27 and will continue through September 11. Service delays will impact both the Yellow and Blue lines between the Franconia-Springfield and Van Dorn Street stations.

According to WMATA's Surge #8 page there will be continuous single-tracking between the two stations during that period, and NO weekend service. Free shuttle bus service will be provided on the weekends.

There are a couple of routes that bicyclists can use. Google Maps bicycle directions between Franconia-Springfield and Van Dorn St is a 4.2 mile route. Cyclists could then park at Van Dorn St and take Metro from there. Cyclists could also ride an 8.5 mile route between Franconia-Springfield and King St station

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Monday, August 29, 2016

Help Fairfax County Count Bicyclists

Fairfax County Bicycle Program staff are looking for volunteers to help count bicyclists in locations around the county on Sept. 15 & 17. Please consider helping out on one or both of those days for 2 hours.

The county plans to install a number of automated bike counters similar to counters installed in Arlington County. Thanks to Reston Bicycle Club and FABB the county now has a moveable bicycle and pedestrian counter. But until there is a network of counters in place the county wants to collect some baseline manual counts. FABB has done volunteer counts in the past and the county will use that data to supplement their counts. 

As the saying goes, "If you don't count bikes, bikes don't count." VDOT conducts regular motor vehicle counts, and they have estimates for the average daily traffic on most Fairfax Roads but they have almost no bicycle or pedestrian counts. It's very encouraging that the county is undertaking this project.

From Fairfax County:
Fairfax County is participating in the annual National Bicycling and Pedestrian Documentation Project and is looking for volunteers to help out with counting bicycles and pedestrians on Thursday, September 15 from 5-7pm and on Saturday, September 17 from 12-2pm.

The intent of the count is to gather information about bicycle and pedestrian traffic in Fairfax County to better measure the positive benefits of investments in sidewalks, trails, on-street bicycle facilities and Capital Bikeshare.

Volunteers that have not previously participated in bicycle and pedestrian counts are strongly encouraged to attend a training session on September 8 at 6.30pm. Counting and training locations will be announced shortly. Training materials are also available online.

To volunteer, please sign up here.

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Thursday, August 25, 2016

Clips in Reston: Party Like Its 1991!

Fresh off successful dates in Oakland, California, and Asheville, North Carolina, the New Belgium Brewery’s Clips Beer and Films Tour comes to Reston on Friday, September 16, 2016. As we reported previously, Clips is a free event for all ages featuring short films and a selection of nearly 20 small-batch beers served up by FABB volunteers. Plus all beer proceeds benefit FABB's work toward making bicycling better in Fairfax County.

Clips 2016 will celebrate the 25th anniversary of New Belgium’s founding in 1991. To commemorate its anniversary, the brewery reached out to some of its favorite filmmakers around the country and asked them to pay homage to the year of New Belgium's beginning with their films.

We haven’t been told what the films are about, but just imagine what the filmmakers have to work with! 1991 was the year that the internet was made available for unrestricted commercial use, the first web browser was introduced, and the number of computers on the Internet reached one million. The Washington Redskins were on their way to a 14-2 season and a victory in Super Bowl XXVI. We danced or exercised to C+C Music Factory’s Gonna Make You Sweat. Beverly Hills 90210 premiered on TV while Terminator 2: Judgment Day and The Silence of the Lambs were two of the year’s top movies. Oh, and the Cold War ended with the dissolution of the Soviet Union. Get a sneak peak at the films here

Internet Messenger by
Israeli artist Buky Schwartz.
Please join us for what is shaping up as a fabulously fun night of film and foam! The beer starts pouring at 7:00 pm with offerings on tap--available in 3-ounce samples or 12-ounce pours--or in cans.  The films begin showing at dark (between 8:30 and 9:00 pm). A bike valet manned by volunteers from The Bike Lane will be available on site. 

We still need a few more volunteers for event set-up, pouring and selling New Belgium’s craft beers, and checking ID’s. Volunteers will receive a Clips T-shirt, pizza before the event, and a special beer to celebrate afterwards. For details on volunteer positions and to sign up, check out the volunteer signup page.

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Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Faces of Fairfax - Greg Raelson

Greg Raelson, a US Navy F/A-18 pilot and competitive endurance athlete, spoke to FABB during the Richmond to DC bike event in late July.  When not riding his bike for enjoyment, training, or competition, Greg uses his bike to commute to work at the Navy Yard in DC from his home in Fairfax.  

Greg told us that the things he likes most about riding is being outside, sharing in healthy activities with other people, and, fighter pilot and athlete that he is, pushing his limits. To complement his passions, he is establishing his own business, Mile Marker Performance, to help others start or continue to be involved in endurance sports. 

Greg spends a lot of time on his bike on Fairfax roads and his list of changes to make it easier and safer to ride in the county matches most of FABB’s goals. In particular, he would like to see more trails and bicycle-friendly roads with more bike lanes that are consistently maintained and linked.  Greg also would like to see better enforcement of traffic laws that protect bikers, other motorists, and pedestrians, especially those against distracted driving, which he observed is a growing problem. 

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Tuesday, August 23, 2016

NPS Releases Paved Trail Plan/Study

National Park Service recently released the final Paved Trail Study that outlines a vision for a future paved trail network in the Metro DC area. "The main outcomes of this study are a vision for the trail network, a set of achievable goals, 121 capital and programmatic recommendations, and a framework for prioritizing regional funding of trail–related projects in the future."

One of the most dangerous crossing of GW Parkway was mentioned in the section on At-Grade Crossings: "In addition, popular trail access points from nearby neighborhoods that require crossing the Parkway should also be studied. For example, Fairfax County has approved a study to evaluate pedestrian and bicycle crossing of the Parkway at Belle View Boulevard. Roadway and trail safety enhancements could include improved sightlines, speed limit reductions in key areas, creating shorter trail crossing distances by narrowing or reducing lanes, introducing pavement markings, and improved crossing signage."

The primary recommendation in Fairfax County was development of the Fort Hunt Trail, in three parts:

1. From GWMP along Vernon View Drive to Fort Hunt Road: Develop on-road trail facility from Mount Vernon Trail crossing GWMP, routed along Vernon View Drive to Fort Hunt Road.

2. From Fort Hunt Road/Fort Hunt Park to Belle Haven Golf Course: Develop on-road trail facility from Fort Hunt Road/Fort Hunt Park along Fort Hunt Road to Belle Haven Road.

3. Belle Haven Road between Fort Hunt Road and GWMP: Develop on-road connector along Belle Haven Road to Belle Haven Park and Mount Vernon Trail

From the National Park Service:
National Park Service News Release
Contact: Jenny Anzelmo-Sarles,, 202-619-7177

National Park Service envisions an interconnected paved trail system in the Washington Metro Area 
Paved Trail Study is finalized

WASHINGTON – Today, the National Park Service (NPS) released its final Paved Trail Study, setting a vision for future planning and coordination in the NPS National Capital Region paved trail network. The study identifies achievable goals, provides 121 capital and programmatic recommendations and prioritizes opportunities to expand multi-use trails in D.C. area national parks as funding becomes available.

Today, there are nearly 100 miles of paved trails in D.C. area national parks. The extensive network is helping to define the region as a pioneer in multi-modal transportation infrastructure. The plan established the concept of a National Capital Trail consisting of four loops, which offer between 18 and 45 miles of diverse trail experiences and link national parks and other destinations. The NPS will use criteria in the plan to prioritize projects and align limited resources for maximum regional benefit.

The paved trail network in the national capital region is one of the most complex in the nation, and no single park or agency can carry full responsibility for maintaining or enhancing the entire network. Partnerships are an essential element for success.

The NPS strives to lead the region in providing exceptional trail experiences, seamlessly linking diverse places of natural and historic significance while providing safe and enjoyable places for people to walk, run, bike, commute and have fun with friends and family.

To develop the study, the NPS conducted a comprehensive examination of its regional trail network and of federal regulations and policies that guide trail planning. Stakeholder outreach and local government trail plans and priorities, including major trail gaps and areas for potential partnership and collaboration, also informed the study.

Download the Paved Trails Study:
Map of Corridors of Regional Significance. See the report for a better image.

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Monday, August 22, 2016

Two-stage Left Turn on Telegraph Rd & Beulah St

The bike lane on Telegraph Rd will be soon have a new two-foot buffer. There will also be a new two-stage left turn option. Kudos to Fairfax County and VDOT for experimenting with this new treatment. From Fairfax County DOT:
VDOT is in the process of repaving and restriping Telegraph Road and that’s good news for people driving, bicycling, and walking. In 2016, the Fairfax County Department of Transportation (FCDOT), in coordination with VDOT, approved a new striping plan for Telegraph Road that will upgrade the existing bike lanes by adding a two foot painted buffer between the vehicle lanes and the bicycle lanes. This new design should make bicycling In the corridor more comfortable and enjoyable.

As part of the repaving and restriping project, Fairfax County’s first two-stage left turn will be installed at the intersection of Telegraph Road and Beulah Street. A two-stage left turn offers people bicycling a safer way to turn at multi-lane intersections and helps create predictability for drivers.

The diagram on the right shows how this works in two phases. In stage one a person on a bicycle rides straight through the intersection with a  green light and then waits in a “bike box” in front of vehicle traffic at the cross street. In stage two, the light turns green for the cross street traffic and the person bicycling can then proceed through the intersection into the bike lane.
Here's another diagram from NACTO's Urban Bikeway Design Guide:

Two-stage left turn
Image from NACTO
Telegraph Rd & Beulah St
This is what the intersection looks like today.
Image from Google Maps

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Two-stage Left Turn on Telegraph Rd & Beulah St

The bike lane on Telegraph Rd will be soon have a new two-foot buffer. There will also be a new two-stage left turn option. Kudos to Fairfax County and VDOT for experimenting with this new treatment. From Fairfax County DOT:
VDOT is in the process of repaving and restriping Telegraph Road and that’s good news for people driving, bicycling, and walking. In 2016, the Fairfax County Department of Transportation (FCDOT), in coordination with VDOT, approved a new striping plan for Telegraph Road that will upgrade the existing bike lanes by adding a two foot painted buffer between the vehicle lanes and the bicycle lanes. This new design should make bicycling In the corridor more comfortable and enjoyable.

As part of the repaving and restriping project, Fairfax County’s first two-stage left turn will be installed at the intersection of Telegraph Road and Beulah Street. A two-stage left turn offers people bicycling a safer way to turn at multi-lane intersections and helps create predictability for drivers.

The diagram on the right shows how this works in two phases. In stage one a person on a bicycle rides straight through the intersection with a  green light and then waits in a “bike box” in front of vehicle traffic at the cross street. In stage two, the light turns green for the cross street traffic and the person bicycling can then proceed through the intersection into the bike lane.
Here's another diagram from NACTO's Urban Bikeway Design Guide:

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Saturday, August 20, 2016

September FABB Meeting in Sully District

As many of you are now aware, FABB has been holding our monthly meetings in Fairfax’s various districts this year. We are pleased to announce that our September meeting will be in the Sully District, which includes the areas of Centreville, Clifton, Chantilly, Oakton, and the Route 28 corridor. Even better, our special guest speaker will be Sully District Supervisor Hon. Kathy Smith. 

These meetings in district venues are part of FABB's efforts to hear from local residents about their bicycling needs. Fairfax County Bicycle Coordinator Adam Lind has been invited to discuss future projects in the local district, and a FABB representative will facilitate a group discussion about improvements needed in the district. 

Please plan on joining us--and invite your friends and neighbors!--on Tuesday, September 20, from 7:30 to 9:30 PM in the Frank Room of the Sully Governmental Center, 4900 Stonecroft Boulevard, Chantilly.

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Wednesday, August 17, 2016

FABB Meeting Tonight in Vienna

FABB is holding our monthly meeting tonight at our regular location, Patrick Henry Library in Vienna near the W&OD Trail. Michael Schade from Arlington County's Mobility Lab will be presenting.  He runs Mobility Lab's Transportation Techies which sponsor their Transportation Hack Nights. We'll also have a report of recent county bike news, an update on Clips Beer & Film Tour, a discussion of the Bike Map update, and a chance to thank Randy Dittberner of VDOT who will be leaving soon for Arizona.

Everyone is welcome to attend. The meeting starts at 7:30. Bike parking is available outside the meeting room or you can bring your bike inside.

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Faces of Fairfax - Jeanne Brown Leonard

Jeanne Brown Leonard of Burke enthusiastically endorsed biking when she spoke to FABB on Bike to Work Day. Jeanne said that she rides because she loves the exercise. She added that she likes the fact that she is saving the environment and money by not driving a car. But, most of all, Jeanne just loves the therapeutic effects of being outside on her bike. Asked what changes she would like to see to make bicycling easier and safer in Fairfax, Jeanne said that, in addition to more bike lanes and trails, she would like to see all cyclists follow the rules of the road. 

FABB is working with Fairfax County to do more on the education and enforcement elements of the Bicycle Master Plan (check out pages 65-75). We encourage members to reach out to their supervisors and other representatives to press for more attention and resources for these critical foundations for making Fairfax a true bicycle-friendly community. 

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Friday, August 12, 2016

Ideas Wanted for Loop Rides on Updated Fairfax Bike Map

Fairfax County is updating the county Bicycle Map. The county plans to add some suggested bike routes to the map in the form of short loops. They are looking "for ideas for safe, fun, routes for riders of all levels." The routes would be mostly off-road trails, low volume, low speed streets, or bike lanes; avoiding major intersection crossings.

If you have ideas for such routes, we want to hear about them. We're collecting routes and that we are adding to a google map that we'll share once we've received a few.

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Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Faces of Fairfax - Eric Assur

Eric Assur stopped at the Fairfax City pitstop on Bike to Work Day and spoke to FABB about his long history of using his bike to commute to work. He told us that he started biking to work when his family moved to Fairfax in 1976. Eric lives in Fairfax Villa, just a few miles away from his job at the county courthouse. One of the benefits for the Assur family was that the family was able to get rid of one of its cars because he could ride his bike to work.

FABB is aware that as Fairfax County continues to grow, the challenges to the mobility, affordability, and environmental quality of our neighborhoods will mount. We are promoting the expansion of the role of bicycles within the existing structure of cars, public transportation, and other modes of travel to help keep Fairfax economically competitive with more livable neighborhoods.

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Monday, August 8, 2016

Randy Dittberner leaving VDOT

Randy Dittberner receives FABB appreciation award
Randy receives FABB
Recognition Award
We were saddened to learn recently that Randy Dittberner, VDOT Regional Traffic Engineer for the Northern Region, is leaving VDOT for a position at Lee Engineering, a private consulting firm. Randy was the person primarily responsible for several major bicycle projects in Fairfax County. He will be greatly missed by us here at FABB.

Randy oversaw the completion of the first road diet project in the county on Lawyers Road in Reston.  The project was a great success, reducing traffic crashes by 80% and it was one of the examples used in the FHWA publication Road Diet Informational Guide. VDOT (Randy) also received a National Roadway Safety Award for that project.

Not long after that project was competed Randy managed the Soapstone Dr road diet project that connects to the Lawyers Road bike lanes on the south and the Wiehle-Reston East Metro station to the north via the Sunrise Valley Dr trail. As part of that project Randy installed a loop detector and bicycle symbol so that the presence of a cyclist would trigger the traffic signal to change. In 2012 FABB presented Randy with the FABB Recognition Award for his work on the road diet projects.

Over the past couple of years Randy worked with Fairfax Co DOT staff to complete several miles of bike lanes throughout the county as part of the summer repaving projects. We would see Randy at almost every major bike project meeting, either in his role as VDOT engineer or as in interested cyclist. Randy was a regular bike commuter to VDOT's NoVa offices on West Ox Road.

Randy embodies what any organization would want in a public official. He is hardworking and goes above and beyond the requirements of his position. He can clearly explain complex projects. He is patient and willing to take the time to answer the most detailed questions in a way that anyone could understand. And he's a great guy. Randy, thank you for everything you've done for cyclists in Fairfax County and good luck in your new endeavors.

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Friday, August 5, 2016

Brewfest Discount for Cyclists!

If you haven’t yet purchased your tickets for the Workhouse Arts Center Brewfest, we have some great news!

Starting on 5 August, guests who purchase their tickets using the promo code “BIKE” will receive $5 off their purchase. Get your tickets here

Brewfest, the first of its kind craft beer event in Fairfax County, takes place on Saturday, August 13, 2016. General admission begins at noon but there are options to get an early start on sampling the beers at 10 am and 11 am. 

See our earlier posts about this bike-friendly event and associated rides being led by the Potomac Pedalers by clicking here and here.

Workhouse Art Center is located at 9518 Workhouse Way, off Old Ox Road (Rt. 123), in Lorton, Virginia. See you there!

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Thursday, August 4, 2016

Board of Supervisors Ask VDOT for Better Trail Maintenance

Overgrown vegetation on the
West Ox Trail near Navy Elementary School
At their July 27 meeting the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors voted unanimously to send a letter to VDOT asking for better trail maintenance. Supervisor Cook brought this matter before the Board along with a concern about the need for more frequent mowing of roadside grass.

During the FABB monthly meeting in the Braddock District we discussed this issue with Supervisor Cook. He agreed that VDOT should do a better job of responding to concerns expressed by cyclists and other trail users about the poor condition of our extensive trail network. The timing was right because he was already planning to raise the issue of more frequent cutting of roadside grasses with VDOT. Thank you Supervisor Cook for listening to our concerns about the need for better maintenance of trails owned by VDOT.

From the July 27, 2016 Board meeting summary:
In addition, VDOT owns trails that run adjacent to major highways. Many of these trails have become dangerous to bicyclists due to uneven pavement, large deposits of salt and sand from winter plowing, and overgrowth of plants. VDOT needs to provide better trail maintenance to correct these issues.

Therefore, Supervisor Cook moved that the Board authorize the Chairman to send a letter, a copy of which is attached to his written Board Matter, to VDOT on behalf of the Board requesting that it allocate adequate funding to mow roadside and median grass at least six times per year in the County and provide better trail maintenance. Chairman Bulova seconded the motion and it carried by a vote of nine, Supervisor L. Smyth being out of the room.
In related news, we recently contacted VDOT about this same issue. We noted that the myVDOT form used for reporting road problems does not include options for reporting problems with trails and sidewalks and we asked that they be included. Earlier this year I had reported an accumulation of sand and gravel and other debris on bridges over the Dulles Toll Road on the Fairfax Co Parkway Trail and the Wiehle Ave Trail. That debris was put their by VDOT front loaders removing snow (and the other debris) from the roadway.

Let me begin by saying that VDOT is very good at responding to reports of most road problems such as potholes and other problems. They just haven't incorporated sidewalks and trails into the system. Using the myVDOT form, one can only report road problems. Here's what the form looks like when I reported the trial problem:

I was forced to say the debris was in the road, on the shoulder or in the ditch when in fact it was on the trail. The next screen allows users to easily identify the location of the problem. In this case it was on the FFX Co Pkwy trail bridge over the Dulles Toll Rd.

Once the location is identified, you can enter a description of the problem as well as uploading a photo.

The first response from VDOT regarding the Wiehle trail was that they don't maintain the facility, to contact Fairfax County. Fairfax County confirmed that VDOT owns and is supposed to maintain that section of the trail. That was in early Spring.

After contacting VDOT management directly last month we were told that the problems would be fixed, and within a week both bridges were clear of sand and debris. Thank you VDOT! We were also told they would look into how the myVDOT form could be improved. 

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Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Faces of Fairfax - The Redding Family – Dave, Ian, Dylan, and Amelia

The Redding family from Jefferson Village took advantage of Bike to Work Day to ride their bikes. Father Dave said his family usually rides for fun around their neighborhood. All of them enjoy the exercise they get when out on their bikes. In order to make biking easier and safer in Fairfax County, Dave said the family would like to see more bike lanes and better trails.

FABB loves to see children on bikes and has long worked with parents, school administrators, and other organizations to encourage Fairfax students to walk and bike to school.  Currently, FABB is encouraging Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) to transition the current Safe Routes to School (SRTS) coordinator from a grant-supported position into a full-time FCPS paid position. More public support is needed to encourage the School Board to make sure that the system continues to have someone to work with all interested county and city schools to promote walking and biking to school, bicycle and pedestrian safety programs, and prioritizing infrastructure improvements to create safe walk/bike routes. 

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Tuesday, August 2, 2016

I-66 Parallel Trail included in Final RFP

On July 29 VDOT issued the final Request for Proposals (RFP) for the I-66 Outside the Beltway project. The RFP includes detailed requirements for construction of the paved trail parallel to I-66. From the beginning of the project, FABB's position has been that if the project is constructed, the parallel trail that is included in the county's Comprehensive Plan and the Bicycle Master Plan should be included.

I-66 Parallel Trail Map
Thanks to everyone who contacted VDOT to ask that the trail be included in the project. Thanks also to the many people who attended the public meetings on the project and spoke out in support of the trail. The trail would likely not be included in the project without that support. Thanks also to VDOT and Fairfax County staff for working together to find a way to include the trail in the project.

FABB also advocated for inclusion of bike counting devices on the trail. VDOT has detailed counts of existing motorized traffic and we felt they should do the same for bikes. Those counters are now included in the RFP. Mile markers and wayfinding signs will also be included. All ramp crossings will be grade-separated.

Fairfax County will still be responsible for building parts of the trail that are not part of the I-66 project, which unfortunately includes significant segments at the Vienna Metro station and and the Fair Oaks area. Your support for these facilities will be needed in the future. We will continue to monitor the project to ensure the trail is completed according to the plans.

From the Final RFP, Vol. III, Final Technical Requirements and Attachments (Exhibit C) as referenced on the Transform 66 PPP page. We've highlighted important aspects of the requirements:
3.13 Sidewalks and Shared Use Paths 3.13.1 General

A. The Developer shall design and construct the Project to include proposed pedestrian, bicycle and equestrian facilities within the Project corridor, as identified in the RFP Conceptual Plans. The Developer shall not preclude the future design and construction of pedestrian, bicycle, and equestrian facilities currently being planned or anticipated.

B. Existing pedestrian and bicycle access on facilities shall be maintained to the maximum extent possible throughout construction as per the MUTCD and the Virginia Work Area Protection Manual. Any temporary pedestrian or bicycle facility closure request shall be submitted in writing twenty-one (21) days in advance to the Department for review and approval. Advance notification of closures shall be provided to the public similar to scheduled roadway closures.

C. New bicycle and pedestrian path facilities and modifications to existing bicycle and pedestrian path facilities shall be designed in accordance with the standards and specifications set forth in Attachment 1.5. All new bicycle and pedestrian path facilities intersecting I-66, the associated Interstate ramps, or other roadway facilities as depicted on the RFP Conceptual Plans shall be grade separated (over or under) unless otherwise approved by the Department.

D. Where a box culvert is replaced along a proposed or existing trail, the new culvert barrel carrying the path shall have sufficient width and vertical clearance to accommodate the shared-use path and a handrail adjacent to the stream. In lieu of this, a separate barrel may be solely dedicated for shared- path use. The walking surface of the path shall be located above the five-year stormwater level. Where the path also serves as an equestrian trail, the vertical clearances shall be increased accordingly. Lighting shall be required for all bicycle and pedestrian path underpass structures and facilities. This lighting shall be installed in accordance with the VDOT Traffic Engineering Design Manual.

E. The Developer shall conduct coordination meetings with all local jurisdictions and the Department to ensure existing and planned pedestrian, bicycle and equestrian facilities are identified along the Project corridor. Any planned facility that is not constructed with this project shall not be precluded in the future. For locations where new bridge overpasses are proposed to widen existing bridges with end spans that contain slope protection, the new bridge shall not be reduced in length and the new end span shall not preclude shared- use path placement.

F. The Developer shall coordinate with the Department and local jurisdictions on the design, maintenance of traffic and construction staging of the bicycle and pedestrian facilities within the Project limits.

G. Concrete and asphalt pavement designs for sidewalks and shared use paths shall be in accordance with Attachment 3.7. If a locality wants a stone dust surface on a facility, the Developer shall coordinate obtaining a maintenance agreement for the Department with the Locality. The specifications for the stone dust surface shall be approved by the Department.

H. The Developer shall design and provide drainage for any new independent pedestrian or shared-use path bridge or underpass structure. Drainage scupper grates on bridges and drainage grates in underpass structures shall be located within the 2-foot shoulder of the path unless otherwise approved by the Department. All drainage grates shall be bicycle friendly and meet ADA requirements. All drainage grate installation orientation shall prevent bicycle or pedestrian encumbrance.

I. The Developer shall design a shared use path parallel to I-66 that is consistent with the RFP Conceptual Plans. Where proposed noise barriers are to be located near homes, the path shall be on the I-66 side of the noise barrier. In addition, a roadway barrier with fencing shall separate I-66 vehicular traffic from the new pedestrian/bicycle facility.

J. Where possible, utility manholes should be located outside of any pedestrian areas (sidewalks, paths, etc.). If necessary, utility access manholes may be located within the 2-foot shoulder of the 10-foot shared use path. Where manholes are located within a sidewalk or shared use path, the manhole covers must be ADA compliant.

K. Access points to the shared use path parallel to I-66 shall be provided at approximately half mile increments. These locations may be co-located with other access needs to reduce the breaks in the sound barriers. The Developer shall coordinate with adjacent and nearby communities and local jurisdictions regarding the locations and design of each access point. Possible access points are in the vicinity of the locations listed below:

1. Braddock Rd at NW Quadrant of Route 28 Interchange. Underpass for connection to future trail to Route 28 north.

2. Audrey Dr (Cabells Mill Development, Centreville).

3. Connect to the standard turn at the end of Veronica Rd (Cabells Mill Development, Centreville).

4. West side of Stringfellow Rd connection to Park & Ride Lot and street crossing to east side of street trail.

5. Fair Lakes Shopping Center (behind Target).

6. East Market Shopping Center (behind Whole Food Market).

7. Existing trail from Waples Mill Rd (NE Quadrant of US 50 Interchange).

8. Arrowhead Dr/Rosehaven St (SW quadrant of Route 123 Interchange).

9. Bushman Dr (just east of tennis courts property).

10. Cedar Lane north side connection to I-66 parallel trail.

11. Connection to west bend of Yeonas Drive (west of Southside Park).

The above access points are shown on the RFP Conceptual Plans and the Bicycle/Pedestrian Concept Feasibility Study exhibits.

L. Mile marker and wayfinding signs shall be incorporated into the design.

M. Existing trails impacted by the Project shall be replaced.

N. The Developer shall provide 8 permanent non-motorized traffic counters composed of combined bicycle detector loops and passive infrared sensors. The location of counters shall be proposed by the Developer and approved by the Department. The infrared sensors shall be enclosed in a vertical post. The posts should have a 2-foot clearance from the path where possible. The proposed continuous count equipment and vendor shall be approved by the Department.

Each counter shall be able to:

1. Count both pedestrians and cyclists;

2. Differentiate between pedestrians and cyclists;

3. Measure the direction of travel of both pedestrians and cyclists;

4. Provide for automatic remote transmission of data via a modem;

5. Provide for in-field transmission of data wirelessly to a field computer;

6. Record count data at 15-minute intervals, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year;

7. Provide a detection height of 24 inches to 36 inches (for infrared sensor);

8. Operate in temperatures from -30 degrees Fahrenheit to 100 degrees Fahrenheit;

9. Be waterproof; and

10. Provide a wood post housing for natural settings or a metal vandal resistant post for urban settings.

Software used for transmittal and storage of data shall be able to:

1. Provide customizable alert system for missing or unusual data;

2. Provide the ability to combine data from multiple counters;

3. Provide the ability to record site description data;

4. Provide an estimate of counter battery levels;

5. Provide a data transmission subscription for each counter;

6. Provide the ability to create multiple viewer accounts; and

7. Provide the ability to view, edit, and create reports.

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Monday, August 1, 2016

Fairfax Co Hiring Bicycle/Pedestrian Program Manager

Fairfax County currently has a bicycle program manager, Adam Lind, a pedestrian program manager, Chris Wells, and two bicycle/pedestrian program staff, Nicole Wynands and Lauren Delaware. The county is hiring a Pedestrian & Bicycle Program Manager (Transportation Planner IV) to oversee those two programs. Please spread the word about this position:
Job #:  16-01492
Job Title:  Pedestrian & Bicycle Program Manager (Transportation Planner IV)
Opening Date/Time:  Sat. 07/30/16 12:00 AM Eastern Time
Closing Date/Time:  Fri. 08/19/16 5:00 PM Eastern Time
Salary:  $34.78 - $57.96 Hourly
     $2,782.14 - $4,636.91 Biweekly
     $72,335.54 - $120,559.71 Annually
Pay Grade:  S29
Job Type:  FT Salary W BN
Department:  Transportation
Posting Type:  Open to General Public

Assists the Capital Projects Section Chief in handling the responsibility for planning, coordinating, organizing, and managing professionals engaged in multi-modal transportation projects and studies. Communicates and explains complex Capital Projects plans, studies, and policies with other county, state and federal agencies, as well as residents and elected officials. Projects include intersections, roadways and multi-modal projects, such as pedestrian, bicycle, transit and parking facilities.

Develops policies and procedures to enhance and support pedestrian and bicycle facilities as part of the county's multi-modal transportation policy and complete streets efforts. Recommends projects for future funding programs, reviews traffic data and provides transportation planning analysis. Supervises and mentors several engineering, planning, and technician staff who scope, review, coordinate, and administer a variety of multi-modal capital project plans and studies. Requires attendance and participation at public meetings, public hearings, and workshops, as well as both local and regional events.

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Meeting to Discuss Falls Church Bike Routes

The City of Falls Church is working on its next set of bike routes, the summer 2016 routes.
A community workshop will be held on Wed., August 3 at Falls Church City Hall, 300 Park Ave, from 6:30 to 8:30pm. Interested residents are encouraged to review the marking options, attend the workshop and provide feedback. There are two routes under consideration. See the Bike Routes Implementation pageMeeting Flyer, and Meeting Presentation.

Proposed Summer Bike Routes


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