Soggy bike light giveaway
Luckily the rush for bike lights at tonights' bike light giveaway at the W&OD Trail and Route 7 occurred during the first hour when we were dry. Workers at the nearby car wash place brought about 10 bikes that needed lights. These are just the people we are trying to reach. They use their bikes for transportation at all times during the day and many of the bikes do not have lights. They were very pleased with their new lights.We installed a total of about 20 lights on bikes over the course of two hours. The rain started during the second hour and we were thankful to be able to get under our newly donated REI canopy to avoid the rain. Thanks to the FABB volunteers who helped out. The light giveaway is made possible by a generous grant from the Transurban and Fluor Community Grant Program.
Labels: bike lights, Fluor, grant, Transurban
Vienna Pedaler
Tim Fricker, head mechanic and now owner of bikes@vienna, is writing a new column for the Vienna Patch. It's called the Vienna Pedaler. The first column is entitled Greetings And A Farewell. Tim is a former FABB board member. We look forward to his articles about cycling in the Vienna area. Here's an excerpt from his first column:John Brunow, founder and owner of bikes@vienna, is preparing to depart for Iowa in early December. Almost 13 years ago, John decided to take the leap and open a bicycle shop in downtown Vienna. And while there have certainly been challenges and lean times, there's no disputing the shop has been successful. Offering a range of bicycles, many not seen in a typical bike shop, including recumbents, folding bikes, and bikes specifically designed for people with special needs, John carved out a niche for himself in the mid-Atlantic region. Along the way, he gained many loyal customers through his patient, low-key approach to matching the bike to the buyer while taking care of their needs and concerns.
Labels: bikes at vienna, tim fricker, vienna pedaler
Public hearing on proposed bike lane on Courthouse Road
The Town of Vienna Transportation Safety Commission will hold a public hearing on a "request of a Bike Lane/Route along Courthouse Road, SW" at their meeting tonight. As I understand it, the section in question extends from Maple Ave to Nottway Park and is part of a proposed route to the Vienna Metro station. It is also part of a traffic-calming project.Cyclists are encouraged to attend to speak out in favor of the proposed facility. The project has been discussed and endorsed by the Vienna Bicycle Advisory Committee. Based on comments from the public hearing, the Transportation Safety Commission will forward a recommendation to the Vienna Town Council. It will be especially important that cyclists attend that as yet unscheduled public hearing.
See the agenda for the meeting.
Labels: town of vienna, transportation safety commission, vienna bicycle advisory commission
Sendoff for John Brunow of bikes@vienna
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John with Drew and Adam |
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FABB and the Friend of FABB Award |
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Jeff Palmer of Spokes, Etc. and John share a laugh. |
We presented John with the first Friend of FABB Award. The award includes photos from John's many exploits, and we thanked him for his support. He'll be missed. To keep up with John's latest exploits, check out his Facebook page.
Labels: bikes at vienna, john brunow
W&OD Trail news
Two items of interest regarding the W&OD Trail:Repaving from Reston to Hunter Mill Rd starting November 30 - Starting today "the trail will be repaved starting in the Isaac Newton/Private Drive section of Reston and heading east to Hunter Mill Road. Total time for this project will be approximately two weeks (assuming no weather issues). The trail will be detoured onto the horse trail and signs deployed alerting trail users."
Open season December 2 - Fairfax County police will be conducting a "deer culling" operation adjacent to the W&OD Trail at Clarks Crossing Road where the soccer fields are located. According to signs posted there, the trail will be closed on December 2 from 5pm to 5am. As we all know, the trail is officially closed after dark but many people use it in the Fall and Winter for traveling between Reston and Vienna.
For more information about the W&OD Trail see the W&OD Trail Report, the Friend of the W&OD Trail site or the NVRPA W&OD Trail page.
Update - 12:30pm Nov. 30: I just spoke with a county wildlife biologist who stated that the trail will be closed at 5pm on Dec. 2 and that police will be using rifles to shoot deer in the area. Cyclists will not be able to get through, from approximate Clarks Crossing Rd to Hunter Mill Rd. See the Fairfax County bike map for alternate routes.
Labels: NVRPA, W and OD Trail
Farewell to John Brunow at bikes@vienna tonight
John Brunow, his wife Ces, their cat, and Java, their chocolate lab are moving to Iowa. He will be at bikes@vienna tonight from 6-9pm for a farewell celebration. Even though I've called it a celebration, it's a sad time for cyclists in this area; John has made countless contributions to cycling in the area and he has been an integral part of FABB from the very beginning. He will be greatly missed. See our earlier post about some of his contributions.Why not stop by tonight and wish John well? Refreshments will be provided.
Labels: bikes at vienna, john brunow
Bike commuting on NPR
Morning Edition had a good segment on bike commuting, Switching Gears: More commuters bike to work that includes a visit to National Geographic where "dozens of people" bike to work each day:"Most people understand that walking and biking is healthy but they don't really consider this is something they can fit into their daily lives."
"Who doesn't feel invigorated after a ride?"
Labels: bike commuting, morning edition, npr
Farewell to John Brunow
John and Ces Brunow |
Among his many contributions to cycling in this area, John started the first Bike to Work Day event in Vienna, donated several bike racks to the Town of Vienna, provided bike racks at the Vienna Farmers Market, and provided bike valet parking at ViVa Vienna. He has also helped FABB in countless ways. He has been an invaluable friend to cyclists in Northern Virginia. He will be greatly missed. Stop by and say hi on Monday.
Labels: bikes at vienna, john brunow
We need real bike facilities for real bike transportation
A comment that we hear all too often is that we need to do something about the renegade cyclists. They don't obey traffic signals, they speed on crowded trails, they pass too close without warning. Unfortunately the criticism is often true.I just returned from a trip to Tucson, Arizona where there are bike facilities on almost all major roads. There's wayfinding signage, a good bike map, the right type of bike parking in most of the right locations. I'll write more about the trip later. One thing that was strikingly noticeable was that almost all cyclists obeyed the rules. They stopped at traffic lights, they were generally courteous, they wore lights at night. It was impressive. There were even buttons at cyclists' height at most intersections to allow them to trigger the light.
One conclusion you could draw is that if there are good bike facilities and cyclists are treated as a serious part of the transportation system, cyclists act appropriately. Conversely, when we have almost no bicycle facilities and the few we have are overcrowded with all types of users, bad things happen. As Ely Blue, a bike advocate from Portland, Oregon, notes in a recent article, "We need real bike paths for real bike transportation." In her discussion of recreational trails being used for bike transportation she describes the current situation on the W&OD Trail
Most attempts to address the danger focus on educating users to "share the path." This has been the gist of the most levelheaded responses to the tragic incident on the Katy Trail.
In effect, this is a way to blame the users. This becomes more clear when you brave the comment section on any story about the tragedy. The vitriolic finger-pointing starts immediately. Some blame bicyclists who ride fast and don't use their bells when passing. Others blame walkers and joggers who stop suddenly, don't hold their line, and let their kids and dogs run freely. Everyone blames people wearing headphones. Some simply blame everyone.
Meanwhile, few are looking to the real culprit: the increasingly common practice of building transportation facilities that cannot safely or comfortably carry the planned types of traffic, promoting them heavily, and then accepting easy credit for providing bike routes without having to take the political risks of encroaching on the vast amounts of roadways reserved for cars.
Shared trails are being heavily funded on the federal level, with politicians and advocates claiming major bike-friendliness points. This trend is likely to continue even post-election -- Rep. John Mica (R-Fla.) in line to be the new chair of the House Transportation Committee, is already boasting that his state has the most such multi-use paths in the country.
Even if they were not shared, many of these paths would not be adequate for bicycle traffic. Sight lines are not good, there is often no lane to pass slower riders, and the number of users keeps going up, up, and up. This is not the fault of people who ride bikes on them. In most cities, as in Dallas, options are slim. A congested, shared off-road path is often the lesser of two evils.
Politicians, planners, and advocates need to step up. And disgruntled trail users need to stop blaming each other and demand real bike paths. Often there's room in the same right of way to have a walking path and bike lanes in both directions, all wide enough. Many cities are experimenting with these, including Vancouver, B.C., Manhattan, and Seoul -- though you can still see an inevitable amount of user error in each of these photos.
But a few token separated paths, no matter how wide, will never be more than a political compromise. We need suitable places to go walk and jog and relax.
And if we are going to fill the rapidly growing demand for bicycle infrastructure, we need the real thing. Cramming bikes onto serene paths is like putting a superhighway through a schoolyard.
We already have a wide-ranging network of paved bike routes, where people can ride as fast and freely as they need to, have plenty of room to pass each other, and can expect to encounter pedestrians and joggers at clearly marked intersections. We just need to take back some of that space from cars. And for the sake of the paths, we need to do it soon.
Labels: elly blue, W and OD Trail
Sign petition against to fight cuts in bicycle funding proposed by AAA
Rails-to-Trails Conservancy has received more than 30,000 signatures on their petition to AAA opposing cuts to bicycle facility funding. More than half of the signatures are from AAA members. From the Rails-to-Trails AAA petition page:AAA Mid-Atlantic suggests that an $89 billion annual highway fund shortfall can be blamed on investments in walking and bicycling. But those investments total less than $1 billion annually and produce tremendous benefits for everyone, including drivers.
The reality is that many bicyclists drive, support AAA, pay gas taxes and want balanced transportation systems that provide the choice to get around in a variety of ways—for commuting or daily errands, or for fun and exercise.
If AAA's false ideas take root, America’s transportation future—one where communities are more livable and people have safe and convenient choices for getting around—is in jeopardy.
Help us show AAA that trail, walking and bicycling programs actually benefit everyone, very much including their own members!
Labels: AAA, aaa mid-atlantic
Another successful bike light giveaway
FABB had a great turnout for our first bike light giveaway of the season tonight at St. Anthony's Catholic Church. We installed 80 sets of lights on bikes during the event, reaching people who use their bikes for transportation in the Culmore area, many of whom have evening jobs; now they have lights. Mason District Supervisor Penny Gross, who stopped by to greet the cyclists and volunteers, said she was impressed to see all the bikes with their lights flashing as she approached the church.Thanks to Transurban-Fluor; they provided the grant money for purchasing the lights and they turned out in force to help install the lights. They even provided hot chocolate for the volunteers. Thanks to Spokes, Etc. Brian of the Alexandria location came and help with the light installations. Fortunately most of the bikes were in good condition and didn't need mechanical work, but Brian was prepared in case they did. Thanks also to REI Fairfax; this was our first chance to use the Alcove canopy that they donated earlier this year. And thanks to Fionnuala who did most of the legwork in setting up the event and provided baked goods, tables, chairs and tools.
Our next giveaway event is scheduled for Tuesday, November 30 from 5-7pm at the W&OD Trail and the Route 7 bridge, on the east side next to West End Park.
Update: See the Annandale Patch article about the giveaway.
Labels: bike lights, Fluor, rei, spokes etc., supervisor penny gross, Transurban
Wolfie's bike train rolls again
The Vienna Patch has a good article on the bike train (or bike bus) at Wolftrap Elementary School, Make Way For Wolfie's Bike Train. Jeff Anderson, who leads the bike train, is a FABB member:"I feel great when I ride the bike train. I get myself to school, and I have my own space. It's cool because you actually get to pedal and exercise instead of just sitting there on the bus," 7-year-old Carlyle, who biked on Thursday, said. "You get to see some of your friends, and you get to practice going up and down hills. There is this huge hill that we go down, and it goes sooooo fast! I want to do the bike train again and again because it's fun."
Labels: bike train, wolftrap elementary school
Cyclists rights
The latest example is illustrated in the Dr. Gridlock article which was in response to an earlier online chat in which a cyclist discussed being honked at for many blocks by an impatient motorist. Dr. Gridlock responded appropriately but he was later berated for not castigating the cyclist:
He or she could have taken the moral high ground and engaged in safer behavior by pulling aside, instead of being apparently annoyed and pigheaded by refusing to yield to the bigger and heavier automobile.
Labels: bully behavior, cyclists rights, dr. gridlock
LAB President at The Bike Lane tonight
Andy Clarke, President of the League of American Bicyclists, a Fairfax County resident, will discuss a new LAB book:The book covers everything from how to get started on a bike to advanced training. It was published by Human Kinetics, and includes chapters on how to choose the right bike and gear, essential basic cycling skills, the rules of the road, maintenance and quick repairs, safety strategies, commuting and group riding. Smart Cycling is a great resource for parents, teachers, students and new and returning riders.
Please RSVP to and let us know you’re coming (or just show up, if your schedule allows it). We look forward to seeing you!
Labels: andy clarke, league of american bicyclists, the bike lane
FABB bike light giveaway
FABB will be holding their second annual series of bike light giveaways, thanks to a generous grant from the Transurban and Fluor Community Grant Program. The purpose of the program is to reach riders who depend on bicycles for transportation and for whom it is difficult to afford bike lights. We'll be installing free lights on bikes at St. Anthony's Catholic Church, 3305 Glen Carlyn Road, Falls Church, VA 22041 (map), from 5-7 p.m. on Monday, November 22. See the flier.In the picture at the right FABB members are installing free lights on bikes at St. Anthony's Catholic Church last year. Thanks to support from Spokes, Etc. we were able to huddle under their tent during the light drizzle. We're hoping for better weather this year. This year we are lucky to have a canopy donated by REI that we can use.
Labels: bike lights, Fluor, Transurban
Fairfax Cyclist injured in crash on Sunday
A cyclist suffered life-threatening injuries in a collision with a motorist on Belle Haven Road in Alexandria on Sunday. Police are looking for witnesses to the crash:Police say a 50-year-old bicyclist collided with a four-door 2005 Toyota Corolla around 3 p.m. The accident happened on Belle Haven Road as the car—headed westbound—attempted to turn onto southbound Fort Hunt Road. The bicyclist, headed east on Belle Haven, was thrown from his bike and remains in the hospital with life-threatening injuries.
Detectives urge anyone who witnessed the accident to contact Crime Solvers:
* By phone: 1-866-411-TIPS or 703-691-2131.
* By e-mail:
* By SMS message: To: CRIMES/274637 and begin your message with "TIP187".
Labels: alexandria, bike crash, left hook
Launch party for Advocates' guide
Today FABB celebrated the publication of the Guide for Reviewing Public Road Design and Bicycling Accommodations for Virginia Bicycling Advocates. The guide was published earlier this year and this was an opportunity to thank many of the people who helped FABB produce it.The Alliance for Biking & Walking provided the funds for the guide and Carolyn Szczepanski of the Alliance was there to say a few words about the Advocacy Advance Grants and the work of the Alliance. Other speakers included Andy Clarke of the League of American Bicyclists (right), Shane Farthing of WABA (below left), Stewart Schwartz of the Coalition for Smarter Growth, and Doug Miller of VDOT (below right). VDOT staff provided invaluable help to FABB during production of the guide by describing in detail how VDOT projects are planned and constructed. Several staff attended the launch. Others present included Mark Blacknell of the Arlington Bicycle Advisory Committee, Angela Koch, Events and Advocacy Coordinator at Revolution Cycles, Zack Fields of Congressman Connolly's office, Edythe Frankel, Vienna Town Council, Susan Stillman of the Vienna Bicycle Advisory Committee, and several FABB members.

Linda Rapp designed the guide layout and color scheme, making an attractive and more easily understood publication. Kerie Hitt did a great job of editing. Fionnuala Quinn had the initial idea for the guide, initiated the grant application, and was the primary author. Bruce Wright, co-author, noted that Fairfax County has begun the bicycle master planning process that will provide a blueprint for future bicycle facilities in the county.
Good things are happening in Fairfax and the Guide should help area cyclists get involved in the process of transforming Fairfax into a more bike-friendly place.
Ironically, some of us had to drive to the event. It's a sobering experience for those of us who usually get around by bike to experience a rainy rush hour. It took longer to get there by car
Cross posted on the WABA blog.
Labels: advocates guide, lab, waba
You're Safer On a Bike Than On a Sofa
That's the new slogan of a campaign by the public health department in Copenhagen to encourage more people to go by bike. From a poster with the image on the right:Cycling extends your life - daily exercise for minimum 30 minutes extends your life with up to five years.
Labels: copenhagen, health
The full cost of automobile transportation
When most people think about the costs associated with driving, they think about the price of the car, and the price of fuel. If they really think about it they include the cost of insurance and registration. What they don't consider are all of the other costs of the automobile transportation system, costs that are usually paid by everyone, not just auto owners.Todd Litman is the executive director of the Victoria Transport Policy Institute, a source of good information on alternative transportation options, including the TDM Encyclopedia. He's written an excellent article on these hidden costs of auto dependency:
A typical urban parking space costs $5,000 to $25,000 to construct, resulting in $500 to $1,500 in annualized construction and operating costs. There are estimated to be at least three off-street parking spaces per vehicle worth about $3,000 annually in total per vehicle. This indicates that most vehicles are worth less than the road and parking infrastructure required for their use. For each dollar that a motorist spends on their vehicle, governments, businesses and consumers must spend at least another dollar to provide roads and parking facilities for their use.
Labels: auto dependency, tdm, todd litman
Covering the Sanity Rally for WTOP by bike
Kate Ryan is a reporter for WTOP who writes about bicycle issues on her blog Lane Change: Kate Ryan Reports. This weekend she covered the Rally to Restore Sanity And/Or Fear by bike:I had some scrambling to do throughout the day. Getting cell service was a challenge, so we figured the bike would allow me to hightail it off the Mall and better my chances of being able to file electronically.
The bike valets were not available on the Mall, though WABA did make the pitch to Comedy Central, so finding bike parking was actually, a bit of a challenge. Good news in a way--a signal that many folks are indeed finding bikes a viable form of transportation.
Labels: bike valet, kate ryan, waba
New 24-hour VDOT call center opens
VDOT just announced a new call center for citizens to report problems. From a VDOT press release:Citizens can reach the VDOT Customer Service Center by calling 1-800-FOR-ROAD
SALEM – The Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) has established a Customer Service Center to take citizen calls and answer transportation questions 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Citizens can dial 1-800-FOR-ROAD (1-800-367-7623) from anywhere in the state to report road hazards, ask transportation questions, or get information related to Virginia’s roads.
“Now citizens only have to remember one number to get in touch with the Virginia Department of Transportation. Our service center team is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. By handling calls centrally, we maximize our resources and allow our field crews to concentrate on their work in the community. At the same time, no citizen call will go unanswered,” said Greg Whirley, VDOT commissioner.
1-800-FOR-ROAD (1-800-367-7623) is the latest VDOT resource that citizens can use to report potholes, ask questions about road work, or request maintenance services.
Virginians should continue to dial 511 to get information about traffic and road conditions.
This up to the minute traffic information is also available online at
The VDOT Customer Service Center is located in Salem with a satellite office in Northern Virginia.
The center is staffed by 25 employees and handles up to 1,000 calls a day.
On average, each call is answered in approximately 28 seconds.
Labels: vdot