Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Vienna Pedaler

Tim Fricker, head mechanic and now owner of bikes@vienna, is writing a new column for the Vienna Patch. It's called the Vienna Pedaler. The first column is entitled Greetings And A Farewell. Tim is a former FABB board member. We look forward to his articles about cycling in the Vienna area. Here's an excerpt from his first column:
I believe cycling can be both fun and useful, so this column will address all aspects of cycling, with a focus on riding for pleasure and transportation in and around Vienna. I'll provide riding and maintenance tips, as well as suggestions of places to enjoy exploring by bike. And from time to time, I might write about someone in the local cycling community. In fact, that's what the rest of today's column is about.

John Brunow, founder and owner of bikes@vienna, is preparing to depart for Iowa in early December. Almost 13 years ago, John decided to take the leap and open a bicycle shop in downtown Vienna. And while there have certainly been challenges and lean times, there's no disputing the shop has been successful. Offering a range of bicycles, many not seen in a typical bike shop, including recumbents, folding bikes, and bikes specifically designed for people with special needs, John carved out a niche for himself in the mid-Atlantic region. Along the way, he gained many loyal customers through his patient, low-key approach to matching the bike to the buyer while taking care of their needs and concerns.

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