Monday, November 22, 2010

Wolfie's bike train rolls again

The Vienna Patch has a good article on the bike train (or bike bus) at Wolftrap Elementary School, Make Way For Wolfie's Bike Train. Jeff Anderson, who leads the bike train, is a FABB member:
"Wolfie's Bike Train" outnumbered commuting cars on its two-mile trek to Wolftrap Elementary School on Thursday morning as more than 20 children biked to school under the Safe Routes to School initiative, a program designed to help communities make walking and biking to school a safe part of students' morning routine.

"I feel great when I ride the bike train. I get myself to school, and I have my own space. It's cool because you actually get to pedal and exercise instead of just sitting there on the bus," 7-year-old Carlyle, who biked on Thursday, said. "You get to see some of your friends, and you get to practice going up and down hills. There is this huge hill that we go down, and it goes sooooo fast! I want to do the bike train again and again because it's fun."
Here's the video from the article:

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