Bicycle programs at Fairfax schools

Hersh said the Bike Shop partners with A-1 Cycling, in Herndon, who help students obtain things like cables and tires in order to replace the bikes. A-1 Cycling also donates bike stands and other tools that are needed throughout the year, he said.
Candy Brown, Physical Education teacher at Centreville High School leads a mountain bike PE class. Students learn the ABC Quick Check (video), basic bike maintenance, bicycle safety, street/trail bike etiquette, shifting techniques and basic skills of riding. Ms. Brown is featured in a video about the Centreville program. Both schools received funds form the Virginia Dept. of Education to purchase new bikes.
We've previously mentioned successful Safe Routes to School efforts at four Vienna schools. And finally, Lynbrook Elementary School is one of only two schools in Fairfax to receive Safe Routes to School funds (Louise Archer Elementary School in Vienna is the other). If you know of other schools with bike programs, please let us know.
Trail Voice

Labels: trail voice
Guilt Reduction Ride
Labels: bikes at vienna, sam braxton award
Who really pays for our roads?
Some motorists think that bicyclists should be taxed because they don't pay road user fees. They think that user fees pay for construction of our roads. Beside the fact that most cyclists own cars and buy gas, it's a fallacy that motorist user fees pay the full cost of our roads. According to a recent report from the PEW Charitable Trusts on trends in highway funding, only "51 percent of the nation's $193 billion set aside for highway construction and maintenance was generated through user fees." (via Greater Greater Washington)As reported by DC.Streetsblog, "In Texas, he said that, on average, it cost the state 20-30 cents per person per mile to build and maintain a road to the suburbs, yet drivers only pay on average 2-3 cents per mile through the gas tax, vehicles fees, etc. 'What we found was that no road that we built in Texas paid for itself,' said Krusee. 'None.'"
We think we'll be referring to this information in the future so we've included links in our Cyclist Resources page under References, Road Taxes 1 and 2.
Labels: gas tax, road taxes
Road lobby hates Region Forward 2050
See the excellent post at Greater Greater Washington entitled Plan for bikes, peds, transit as well as cars? Heresy! to read about why it is important to weigh in on the MWCOG report on the future of the region, Region Forward 2050 (also known as the Greater Washington 2050 report). The road lobby is aghast that MWCOG would have the audacity to suggest the DC regional grow smarter, with more public transit, with compact development where residents can easily walk and bike.Northern Virginia Transportation Alliance and AAA Mid-Atlantic are fighting those recommendations because it doesn't support their vision of more and wider roads covering the region. It's important that the rest of us provide comments supporting the MWCOG vision for the future.
Labels: AAA, greater washington 2050, northern virginia transportation alliance
Walking and biking to school
Today the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors and Fairfax County School Board met to discuss walking and biking to school. As we reported earlier, the Board of Supervisors (BOS) has discussed this issue at recent Board meetings and is looking for ways to encourage more kids to walk and bike to school, in part to help reduce costs of busing kids.Supervisor McKay noted that the county was not taking advantage of grant opportunities such as CDC health grants or the Safe Routes to School Program to educate the public and to help build infrastructure. There was a consensus that the School Board and the BOS need to work together to change the culture of driving kids to school who could easily walk.
Supervisor McKay noted that all schools should have bike racks. Dean Tistadt of Facilities & Transportation Services (I think that's who it was; there were no introductions) said that any principal who wanted a bike rack could "get one instantly." He also said that while poor infrastructure and lack of facilities was a problem, the main problem was that parents don't want their kids walking and biking because of perceived safety concerns. We think that attitude is changing as we hear from more and more parents who want their kids to be able to safely walk and bike to school.
It was agreed that providing Kiss & Ride areas was not the best use of school resources; facilitating parents driving kids to school makes walking and biking less safe, and contributes to air pollution and congestion around schools. As Mr. Tistadt said "This is lunacy. What we should be doing is putting up barriers for those who drive kids to school."
The group agreed to 1. Find examples of successful programs for getting more kids to walk and bike to school, and use those as examples for the rest of the county and 2. Determine where there are gaps in the pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure and provide funds to fill in those gaps.
Supervisor McKay will lead this effort. FABB will work his office to do what we can to help. One thing we can do is point to the Vienna Safe Routes to School Challenge as a successful example of parents leading the way for the rest of the county.
Labels: safe routes to school, supervisor mckay
Region Forward 2050 Comments
If you haven't made comments on the Region Forward 2050 report, the deadline is November 30. The report contains many goals that will advance the use of bicycles for transportation in the future, and the report needs your support. Provide comments online. We made the following comments:We also support the goal of concentrated development in Regional Activity Centers. Dense development around transit will allow residents to access services, work, and recreation locations more easily by using bicycles and walking.
The goal to "Increase the rate of construction of bike and pedestrian facilities from the Transportation Planning Board's plan" is worthy but not nearly enough. That plan is much too general; many more facilities are needed. The region needs a more up-to-date and comprehensive plan for development of bicycle facilities. These should include on-road bicycle routes that are safer and provide more direct access than trails. While both are needed, on-road access can be provided sooner and more cost-effectively than building trails.
Bicycle support infrastructure is needed to support an increase in bicycling. End-of-trip facilities such as covered, secure long- and short-term parking and changing and shower facilities are needed in the Regional Centers.
There needs to be better transit/bicycle connectivity. Bicycles should be allowed on all transit systems. There should be adequate bicycle parking at all major transit stations. We strongly support the notion that bike sharing stations will facilitate taking short neighborhood trips by bicycle.
Labels: greater washington 2050, mwcog
David Byrne coming to DC
The Brookings Institute is sponsoring Cities, Bicycles, and the Future of Getting Around, "a conversation about practical and imaginative ways to promote alternative forms of transportation. The event will launch Cities for Cycling, a National Association of City Transportation Officials project to break down barriers to bicycle-friendly street design in municipalities around the United States." The event will be held at the Newseum on December 8 fro 5-7 p.m.David Byrne, formerly of the Talking Heads and author of Bicycle Diaries will be one of the panelists. When on tour, Byrne travels with a folding bike and explores and writes about his adventures. Those writings formed the basis of Bicycle Diaries, a book about travel more than about bikes.
Other panelists include Congressman Earl Blumenauer (D-Ore.) and New York City Department of Transportation Commissioner Janette Sadik-Khan. Should be a lively discussion.
Labels: david byrne
Region Forward 2050

- Increase the rate of construction of bike and pedestrian facilities from the Transportation Planning Board's plan
- Reduce vehicle miles traveled (VMT) per capita
- Increase the share of walk, bike, and transit trips
Labels: greater washington 2050, mwcog
Statewide Bicycle Policy Plan
VDOT is developing a Statewide Bicycle Policy Plan with help from Toole Design Group. The moribund state Bicycle Advisory Committee has been revived to provide guidance and comment on the plan. The BAC convened today in Richmond to discuss and comment on the latest draft of the plan. While the state has a Policy for Integrating Bicycle and Pedestrian Accommodations, implementation is sometimes lacking. A goal of the plan is to provide guidance on better implementation.We hope to have more information in the near future. The plan is not available for review outside of the BAC. A final draft is expected in mid-February.
Labels: policy for integrating bicycle and pedestrian accommodations, vdot
CTB approves Transportation Enhancement policy change
At their meeting today the Commonwealth Transportation Board approved proposed changes to the Transportation Enhancement Program policy that will provide more funding for bicycle and pedestrian projects. Starting in FY2013, VDOT will:- Pedestrian and Bicycle Facilities
- Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety and Education
- Landscaping and Scenic Beautification along Transportation Corridors (including streetscape improvements)
- Preservation of Abandoned Railway Corridors and Conversion to Trails (traditional rails-to-trails and rails-with-trails projects)
Later in the meeting the CTB approved a major portion of the Virginia Capital Trail, that will stretch from Richmond to Williamsburg.
Labels: commonwealth transportation board, transportation enhancements
Fairfax finally discussing walking and biking to school

Bus transportation is provided to all kids living greater than a mile from an elementary school or 1.5 miles from a middle or high school. "Regardless of the distance, transportation will be provided if the transportation office determines that there is no walking route available that does not subject students to unusual hazards." As a result, many children living close to schools are provided bus transportation, some living across the street, because of a lack of safe routes to school.
It seems to have taken a budget crisis for the schools to consider the costs of having to bus so many kids to school. According to today's Post, Students may face an uphill climb: To help cut busing costs, Fairfax officials suggest getting more kids to walk to school:
McKay's suggestion that more kids walk also reflects the growing financial tensions between the School Board, which sets school policies and answers mostly to parents, and the Board of Supervisors, which controls school funding and answers mostly to taxpayers. McKay said that one of the biggest complaints he hears from constituents is about the number of half-full school buses they see.
Labels: safe routes to school
Traffic notes, part 2
Earlier we posted some quotes from the book Traffic: Why we drive the way we do (and what it says about us). It's an excellent book with many insights into what happens when people get behind the wheel. Here are a few more quotes from the book:"Baker's law," named after crash reconstructionist J. Stannard Baker, notes that drivers "tend to explain their traffic accidents by reporting circumstances of lowest culpability with credibility" —that is, the most believable story they can get away with. p. 72
"If you're limited in how many things you can pay attention to, and attention is a gateway to consciousness, then you can only be aware of a limited subset of what's out there." Inattention blindness, it has been suggested, is behind an entire category of crashes in traffic, those known as "looked but did not see accidents." p. 83
This attention disorder could also help explain the "safety in numbers" phenomenon of traffic, as described by Peter Lyndon Jacobsen, a public-health consultant in California. You might think that as there are more pedestrians or cyclists on a street, the more chances there are for them to be hit. You are right. More pedestrians are killed by cars in New York, City than anywhere else in the United States. But as Jacobsen found, these relationships are not linear. In other words, as the number of pedestrians or cyclists increases, the fatality rates per capita begin to drop.
It is the behavior of drivers that changes. They are suddenly seeing pedestrians everywhere. The more they see, typically, the slower they drive; and, in a neatly perpetuating cycle, the more slowly they drive, the more pedestrians they effectually see because those pedestrians stay within sight for a longer period. p. 85
Dutch cyclists are safer simply because there are more of them, and thus Dutch drivers are more used to seeing them. ...Gainesville, a college town with the highest cycling rate in the state, is in fact the safest place to be a cyclist. p. 86
Studies have shown that drivers seated at higher eye heights but not shown a speedometer will drive faster than those at lower heights. p. 94
We "overdrive" our headlights, moving at speeds that would not allow us to stop in time for something we saw in the range of our lights. p. 98
Studies have shown that pedestrians think drivers can see them up to twice as far away as drivers actually do. According to one expert, if we were to drive at night in a way that ensured we could see every potential hazard in time to stop-what is legally called the "assured clear distance"-we would have to drive 20 miles per hour. p. 99
The "slower is faster" idea shows up often in traffic. The classic example concerns roundabouts. Many people are under the mistaken impression that roundabouts cause congestion. But a properly designed roundabout can reduce delays by up to 65 percent over an intersection with traffic signals or stop signs. p. 124
One of the curious laws of traffic is that most people, the world over, spend roughly the same amount of time each day getting to where they need to go. Whether the setting is an African village or an American city, the daily round-trip commute clocks in at about 1.1 hours. p. 131
Labels: tom vanderbilt, traffic
McLean bicycle access recommendations
- A bicycle-friendly downtown McLean that is complemented by safe bicycling routes from neighboring communities within a 3-mile radius
- A McLean that bicycles to and from West Falls Church and the new Tysons Corner Metro Stations
- A community in which motorists and bicyclists observe the rules of proper conduct
As we noted earlier, several ped/bike projects identified in the report received funding, including signed bike routes.
Labels: mclean
Bikes and transit
Bicycle projects that connect to transit can receiving funding from the Federal Transit Administration if they have a "physical or functional relationship" to the transit center. According to Cyclelicious, this is generally interpreted to mean 1500 feet. "The FTA now acknowledges, however, that this 1,500 distance is too short. According to the FTA, research shows people are willing to travel about 15 minutes to their bus stop or station. That equates to about 1/2 mile for walking and three miles bicycling."As a result, FTA is proposing a to clarify their policy on funding of pedestrian and bicycle facilities located near transit: "pedestrian improvements located within one-half mile and all bicycle improvements located within three miles of a public transportation stop or station shall have a de facto physical and functional relationship to public transportation."
The federal registry notice (pdf) for FTA–2009–0052 contains some good information and references about bicycling and transit:
The success of public transportation can be limited by the problem of the "first and last mile." One of "the best present options for solving the first and last mile dilemma are bicycles. Bicycles are the no-brainer of American mobility, one of our great underutilized resources. There are more bicycles in the United States than there are households but most of those bikes sit in garages except for an occasional recreational outing. And yet they are the perfect transportation choice for a short one- to three-mile trip to and from a transit station."
See also The League of American Bicyclists post on this proposed policy change.
Labels: federal transit administration, transit-oriented development
Biking in New York, 1980-2009

Labels: bike commuting, new york city
Successful bike light giveaway

Fortunately the rain was light and the wind didn't blow our tent away. Thanks to all the FABB volunteers for coming out, to Nohemy Miranda of the county bike program, to Spokes Etc. of Alexandria for use of the tent and the services Ryan one of the shop bike mechanics. Thanks also to St. Anthony's Catholic Church for hosting the event, to bikes@vienna for use of the tables and chairs and for help with purchasing the lights, and to Transurban/Fluor for the grant that allowed us to purchase the lights.
Labels: bike lights, culmore
U. S. Dept. of Transportation bike commuters
U.S. DOT bike commuters are featured in a recent blog post by the Secretary of Transportation entitled DOT bike commuters leading by example: "Last week, on a walk through DOT headquarters, I met Thomas Dorset. Now, Tom is in his late-ish 60s, works for our Federal Railroad Administration, and commutes the 10 miles to work (and 10 back) by bicycle." We did not add the emphasis, and yes, it is possible to commute 10 miles by bike. It takes an average cyclists about 45-60 minutes, probably not much longer than driving in DC rush hour traffic, and parking is free, as is your workout.The DOT Bicycle Commuters Group "consists of about 80 people who meet monthly to share information and come up with ways that DOT can provide more support for its bicycle commuters." I hope they are taking advantage of the Bicycle Commuter Act benefits of $20/month. As was pointed out back in August, the Government Accounting Office has authorized at least one federal agency to implement the benefits under the Transportation Fringe Benefit Program.
Labels: bicycle commuter act, bike commuting
Bike light giveway near Seven Corners today
FABB is doing our last scheduled bike light giveaway this afternoon, from 4-6pm at St. Anthony's Catholic Church in the Culmore area, just east of Seven Corners. Even though it will very likely be raining, we're hoping for a light rain. Bring your bike and get a free set of front and rear lights. Here's detailed info:Thursday, November 12, 2009
St. Anthony's Catholic Church
3305 Glen Carlyn Road, Falls Church, VA 22041 (map)
Time: 4:00-6:00pm—Flier
Labels: bike lights, culmore
Proposed changes to Virginia Transportation Enhancement funding
There are 12 categories of TE projects. Many people think that TE projects are primarily for building pedestrian and bicycle facilities. However, 9 of the 12 categories have nothing to do with non-motorized transportation. Among the 12 categories are: scenic or historic highway programs including tourist and welcome centers, purchase of historic properties or buildings in historic districts, rehabilitation and operation of historic transportation buildings, structures or facilities, and establishment of transportation museums.
The categories that would receive funding in FY2013 are those that promote core transportation functions: Pedestrian and Bicycle Facilities, Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety and Education, Landscaping and Scenic Beautification along Transportation Corridors (including streetscape improvements), and Preservation of Abandoned Railway Corridors and Conversion to Trails (traditional rails-to-trails and rails-with-trails projects).
We support most of the proposed changes. We don't support the inclusion of landscaping and scenic beautification projects unless they include bicycle facilities. Some TE funds have been used on projects that in fact make conditions worse for bicyclists and pedestrians. Streetscape projects in Northern Virginia have included brick sidewalks and crosswalks and street designs that do not accommodate bicyclists.
To speak out in favor of the proposed changes, attend the November 19 CTB meeting at 9:00 a.m. at the VDOT Central Office Auditorium, 1221 E. Broad St., Richmond or send comments by email.
Labels: transportation enhancements
Vienna bicycle safety
Vienna police appeared before the Town council last night to discuss bicycle safety once again. "Bicyclists plying sidewalks along heavily trafficked Maple Avenue are by far the likeliest to collide with vehicles, Vienna police officials told the Vienna Town Council at its Nov. 9 work session."Similar information was presented to the council when changes to the Vienna Bikeway Plan were proposed. The solution then was to force bicyclists to yield to motorists, contrary to existing state law. Those changes were deferred until the Bicycle Advisory Committee could weigh in.
One good suggestion was received in the bicycle and pedestrian safety survey conducted by police: "Other residents suggested banning right turns on red along Maple Avenue. This would solve many of the bicycle crashes, but likely lead to sizable traffic backups, said Vienna Police Chief Robert Carlisle."
Most of the traffic in Vienna is along Maple Ave. While side street traffic is heavy, we don't feel it would be greatly affected by banning right on red, especially during rush hour when there is a continuous stream of traffic on Maple Ave. with few chances to turn right on red. We think this solution should be investigated further.
Allen Muchnick of Virginia Bicycling Federation made a good suggestion in his comment on the above news article. He noted that cyclists are "much safer when traveling on the roadway (even on Maple Ave and other busy roads) than on the adjacent sidewalk, and few roadway bicyclists know that, for their safety, they should control (i.e., ride near the center) of the right-most through travel lane, unless that lane is at least 14 feet wide and thus safely sharable laterally with a typical auto." He went on to state that "Town or VDOT should install shared-lane markings (aka "sharrows") in the center of both curb lanes to inform the public that these lanes are shared by bicyclists and motorists."
Labels: safety, town of vienna
Dangerous By Design
Transportation for America just released a report on pedestrian safety, Dangerous by Design: Solving the Epidemic of Preventable Pedestrian Deaths (and Making Great Neighborhoods)."With pedestrians comprising over 21 percent of traffic fatalities in the region, we should be spending far more making our streets safer for pedestrians," she said.
[Update: Nov. 13, 2009] A sad fact in the report that we didn't mention, as pointed out by Douglas Stewart of Fairfax Suburbanista, is that Virginia ranks last in Federal spending on bicycle and pedestrian projects. There are actually two categories in which Virginia, during 2005-2008, is last, Percent of Total Federal Funding Spent on Pedestrian & Bicycle Projects (0.3%, national ave. is 1.5%) and Spending per Capita under SAFETEA-LU ($0.22, national ave. is $1.46). Virginia spent half as much SAFETEA-LU funds as the 49th state, and 15% of the national average.
To put it bluntly, that's pathetic. Remember those numbers the next time you testify in favor of funding for bicycle projects in Virginia. In fact, on December 1 VDOT will hold public hearings on the Six Year "Improvement" Program, and you can send comments today to
More bike racks in Vienna

Labels: bicycle parking, town of vienna
Annandale bike light giveaway
Thanks to the church for letting us set up on their parking lot.
Our next event is on Thursday at St. Anthony's Catholic Church in the Culmore area. The church is located on 3305 Glen Carlyn Road at Route 7, just west of Columbia Pike. We'll be there from 4-6 p.m.
Labels: annandale, bike lights
New bike racks at Vienna Community Center

That's the good news. That bad news is that the racks were installed incorrectly. You can see from the photo above that the rack is placed too close to the wooden edging board. A properly parked bike will spill over into the landscaping bed. Why is it so difficult to install a bike rack? According to the Arlington County bike parking standards, there should be at least 24 inches of clearance.

One reason bike racks are installed incorrectly could be because the county has not implemented bicycle parking guidelines. The guidelines have been under development for two years; we expect to see the first draft any day now...
We're told that the Vienna Community Center racks can be moved without too much trouble. We hope so.
[Update Nov. 7, 12:50 p.m.] After speaking to Cathy Salgado, Vienna Parks Director, we've learned that the racks can easily be moved after a rack dedication ceremony later today. From the Town of Vienna News:
In addition, contributions are being accepted to help pay for the bike rack, which will have five loops with the custom Town of Vienna design on each end. It will be freestanding so it can be moved around as needed, much like the current rack on site. If you would like to donate, please make your check payable to the Town of Vienna and send to Cathy Salgado, c/o Town Hall, 127 Center St., S., Vienna, VA 22180.
Labels: bicycle parking, town of vienna
2009 Sam Braxton Bicycle Shop Award

John is a great supporter of bicycling in Northern Virginia. He was sponsor of the Vienna Bike to Work Day pit stop for many years. bikes@vienna serves as a collection point for Bikes for the World. This is what Adventure Cycling had to say about bikes@vienna:
Congratulations to John and the crew at bikes@vienna (full disclosure, I'm a former employee but am currently not working there). It's a well-deserved honor.
Labels: bikes at vienna, john brunow
Bike light giveaway on W&OD Trail today

Michelle Holland and Jennifer Aument of Transurban helped out along with several FABB volunteers. It was through the Transurban and Fluor Community Grant Program for the Capital Beltway Project that we had funds to purchase the lights. Our next event will be in Annandale on Sunday:
Annandale United Methodist Church (map)
6935 Columbia Pike, Annandale, near Gallows Road
Time: 1:00-4:00pm
Labels: bike lights
Congressman Blumenauer rides in New York City
Today Streetfilms released a short film about a visit to New York City by Congressman Earl Blumenauer:Labels: congressman blumenauer, new york city
Trading four wheels for two
That's the title of a guest column in Richmond BizSense about bike commuting in Richmond, VA. The author, an attorney in Richmond, discusses cyclist's legal rights to the road and reasons why some of us ride and why it's a good thing:Labels: bike commuting, richmond