Tuesday, September 15, 2015
I-66 Preferred Alternative Includes Parallel Multi-use Trail
Today VDOT released their preferred option for the I-66 Outside the Beltway widening project, called the Preferred Alternative. According a video describing the Preferred Alternative design, the parallel trail is included, either inside the right-of-way or on local streets. Bike and ped facilities are also planned on the rebuilt bridges across I-66.The image above shows in blue where the trail is located inside the right-of-way, and in yellow on local streets. Two major sections in Fairfax County are located on local streets, between Nutley Street and Blake Lane and between Route 50 and the Fairfax Co Parkway. Major changes will likely be needed to make those local roads bike-friendly.
Inside the I-66 right-of-way (east to west): Gallows Road to Nutley Street, Blake Lane to Route 50, Fairfax Co Parkway to Route 29.
Local streets (east to west): Nutley Street to Blake Lane (either Virginia Center Blvd/Country Creek Rd on the north or Saintsbury Dr on the south), Route 50 to Fairfax Co Parkway (possibly Random Hills Rd to Monument Dr to Fair Lakes Parkway), and Route 29 to Haymarket.
It's critical that cyclists attend upcoming meetings to learn more about the plans and to support a safe, connected parallel trail:
Monday, October 19, 2015
Oakton High School
2900 Sutton Road, Vienna, VA 22181
Tuesday, October 20, 2015
VDOT Northern Virginia District Office
4975 Alliance Drive, Fairfax, VA 22030
From the Preferred Alternative Video:
Bikeways, trails and/or sidewalks will be constructed on bridge crossings impacted by the project. In coordination with local partners, and consistent with previous planning efforts, a trail concept parallel to the I-66 corridor has been developed. In the preferred alternative, the parallel trail will be located in the I-66 right-of-way and on local streets. TDM strategies will include support for bicycling and walking.
Labels: i-66, I-66 multimodal study
The divergence of the trail to Saintsbury Drive (at Nutley Street) would allow an easy connection to the Cross County Connector Trail at East Blake Lane Park. It would be great to have a better connection between that trail and the Accotink Trail to the south (that spans a good part of the County), including improved crossings of Lee Hwy and Route 50. More things to add to the wish list!
Overall the proposal looks promising... I'm excited!
Overall the proposal looks promising... I'm excited!
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