Tuesday, August 2, 2016
I-66 Parallel Trail included in Final RFP
On July 29 VDOT issued the final Request for Proposals (RFP) for the I-66 Outside the Beltway project. The RFP includes detailed requirements for construction of the paved trail parallel to I-66. From the beginning of the project, FABB's position has been that if the project is constructed, the parallel trail that is included in the county's Comprehensive Plan and the Bicycle Master Plan should be included.![]() |
I-66 Parallel Trail Map |
FABB also advocated for inclusion of bike counting devices on the trail. VDOT has detailed counts of existing motorized traffic and we felt they should do the same for bikes. Those counters are now included in the RFP. Mile markers and wayfinding signs will also be included. All ramp crossings will be grade-separated.
Fairfax County will still be responsible for building parts of the trail that are not part of the I-66 project, which unfortunately includes significant segments at the Vienna Metro station and and the Fair Oaks area. Your support for these facilities will be needed in the future. We will continue to monitor the project to ensure the trail is completed according to the plans.
From the Final RFP, Vol. III, Final Technical Requirements and Attachments (Exhibit C) as referenced on the Transform 66 PPP page. We've highlighted important aspects of the requirements:
3.13 Sidewalks and Shared Use Paths 3.13.1 General
A. The Developer shall design and construct the Project to include proposed pedestrian, bicycle and equestrian facilities within the Project corridor, as identified in the RFP Conceptual Plans. The Developer shall not preclude the future design and construction of pedestrian, bicycle, and equestrian facilities currently being planned or anticipated.
B. Existing pedestrian and bicycle access on facilities shall be maintained to the maximum extent possible throughout construction as per the MUTCD and the Virginia Work Area Protection Manual. Any temporary pedestrian or bicycle facility closure request shall be submitted in writing twenty-one (21) days in advance to the Department for review and approval. Advance notification of closures shall be provided to the public similar to scheduled roadway closures.
C. New bicycle and pedestrian path facilities and modifications to existing bicycle and pedestrian path facilities shall be designed in accordance with the standards and specifications set forth in Attachment 1.5. All new bicycle and pedestrian path facilities intersecting I-66, the associated Interstate ramps, or other roadway facilities as depicted on the RFP Conceptual Plans shall be grade separated (over or under) unless otherwise approved by the Department.
D. Where a box culvert is replaced along a proposed or existing trail, the new culvert barrel carrying the path shall have sufficient width and vertical clearance to accommodate the shared-use path and a handrail adjacent to the stream. In lieu of this, a separate barrel may be solely dedicated for shared- path use. The walking surface of the path shall be located above the five-year stormwater level. Where the path also serves as an equestrian trail, the vertical clearances shall be increased accordingly. Lighting shall be required for all bicycle and pedestrian path underpass structures and facilities. This lighting shall be installed in accordance with the VDOT Traffic Engineering Design Manual.
E. The Developer shall conduct coordination meetings with all local jurisdictions and the Department to ensure existing and planned pedestrian, bicycle and equestrian facilities are identified along the Project corridor. Any planned facility that is not constructed with this project shall not be precluded in the future. For locations where new bridge overpasses are proposed to widen existing bridges with end spans that contain slope protection, the new bridge shall not be reduced in length and the new end span shall not preclude shared- use path placement.
F. The Developer shall coordinate with the Department and local jurisdictions on the design, maintenance of traffic and construction staging of the bicycle and pedestrian facilities within the Project limits.
G. Concrete and asphalt pavement designs for sidewalks and shared use paths shall be in accordance with Attachment 3.7. If a locality wants a stone dust surface on a facility, the Developer shall coordinate obtaining a maintenance agreement for the Department with the Locality. The specifications for the stone dust surface shall be approved by the Department.
H. The Developer shall design and provide drainage for any new independent pedestrian or shared-use path bridge or underpass structure. Drainage scupper grates on bridges and drainage grates in underpass structures shall be located within the 2-foot shoulder of the path unless otherwise approved by the Department. All drainage grates shall be bicycle friendly and meet ADA requirements. All drainage grate installation orientation shall prevent bicycle or pedestrian encumbrance.
I. The Developer shall design a shared use path parallel to I-66 that is consistent with the RFP Conceptual Plans. Where proposed noise barriers are to be located near homes, the path shall be on the I-66 side of the noise barrier. In addition, a roadway barrier with fencing shall separate I-66 vehicular traffic from the new pedestrian/bicycle facility.
J. Where possible, utility manholes should be located outside of any pedestrian areas (sidewalks, paths, etc.). If necessary, utility access manholes may be located within the 2-foot shoulder of the 10-foot shared use path. Where manholes are located within a sidewalk or shared use path, the manhole covers must be ADA compliant.
K. Access points to the shared use path parallel to I-66 shall be provided at approximately half mile increments. These locations may be co-located with other access needs to reduce the breaks in the sound barriers. The Developer shall coordinate with adjacent and nearby communities and local jurisdictions regarding the locations and design of each access point. Possible access points are in the vicinity of the locations listed below:
1. Braddock Rd at NW Quadrant of Route 28 Interchange. Underpass for connection to future trail to Route 28 north.
2. Audrey Dr (Cabells Mill Development, Centreville).
3. Connect to the standard turn at the end of Veronica Rd (Cabells Mill Development, Centreville).
4. West side of Stringfellow Rd connection to Park & Ride Lot and street crossing to east side of street trail.
5. Fair Lakes Shopping Center (behind Target).
6. East Market Shopping Center (behind Whole Food Market).
7. Existing trail from Waples Mill Rd (NE Quadrant of US 50 Interchange).
8. Arrowhead Dr/Rosehaven St (SW quadrant of Route 123 Interchange).
9. Bushman Dr (just east of tennis courts property).
10. Cedar Lane north side connection to I-66 parallel trail.
11. Connection to west bend of Yeonas Drive (west of Southside Park).
The above access points are shown on the RFP Conceptual Plans and the Bicycle/Pedestrian Concept Feasibility Study exhibits.
L. Mile marker and wayfinding signs shall be incorporated into the design.
M. Existing trails impacted by the Project shall be replaced.
N. The Developer shall provide 8 permanent non-motorized traffic counters composed of combined bicycle detector loops and passive infrared sensors. The location of counters shall be proposed by the Developer and approved by the Department. The infrared sensors shall be enclosed in a vertical post. The posts should have a 2-foot clearance from the path where possible. The proposed continuous count equipment and vendor shall be approved by the Department.
Each counter shall be able to:
1. Count both pedestrians and cyclists;
2. Differentiate between pedestrians and cyclists;
3. Measure the direction of travel of both pedestrians and cyclists;
4. Provide for automatic remote transmission of data via a modem;
5. Provide for in-field transmission of data wirelessly to a field computer;
6. Record count data at 15-minute intervals, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year;
7. Provide a detection height of 24 inches to 36 inches (for infrared sensor);
8. Operate in temperatures from -30 degrees Fahrenheit to 100 degrees Fahrenheit;
9. Be waterproof; and
10. Provide a wood post housing for natural settings or a metal vandal resistant post for urban settings.
Software used for transmittal and storage of data shall be able to:
1. Provide customizable alert system for missing or unusual data;
2. Provide the ability to combine data from multiple counters;
3. Provide the ability to record site description data;
4. Provide an estimate of counter battery levels;
5. Provide a data transmission subscription for each counter;
6. Provide the ability to create multiple viewer accounts; and
7. Provide the ability to view, edit, and create reports.
A. The Developer shall design and construct the Project to include proposed pedestrian, bicycle and equestrian facilities within the Project corridor, as identified in the RFP Conceptual Plans. The Developer shall not preclude the future design and construction of pedestrian, bicycle, and equestrian facilities currently being planned or anticipated.
B. Existing pedestrian and bicycle access on facilities shall be maintained to the maximum extent possible throughout construction as per the MUTCD and the Virginia Work Area Protection Manual. Any temporary pedestrian or bicycle facility closure request shall be submitted in writing twenty-one (21) days in advance to the Department for review and approval. Advance notification of closures shall be provided to the public similar to scheduled roadway closures.
C. New bicycle and pedestrian path facilities and modifications to existing bicycle and pedestrian path facilities shall be designed in accordance with the standards and specifications set forth in Attachment 1.5. All new bicycle and pedestrian path facilities intersecting I-66, the associated Interstate ramps, or other roadway facilities as depicted on the RFP Conceptual Plans shall be grade separated (over or under) unless otherwise approved by the Department.
D. Where a box culvert is replaced along a proposed or existing trail, the new culvert barrel carrying the path shall have sufficient width and vertical clearance to accommodate the shared-use path and a handrail adjacent to the stream. In lieu of this, a separate barrel may be solely dedicated for shared- path use. The walking surface of the path shall be located above the five-year stormwater level. Where the path also serves as an equestrian trail, the vertical clearances shall be increased accordingly. Lighting shall be required for all bicycle and pedestrian path underpass structures and facilities. This lighting shall be installed in accordance with the VDOT Traffic Engineering Design Manual.
E. The Developer shall conduct coordination meetings with all local jurisdictions and the Department to ensure existing and planned pedestrian, bicycle and equestrian facilities are identified along the Project corridor. Any planned facility that is not constructed with this project shall not be precluded in the future. For locations where new bridge overpasses are proposed to widen existing bridges with end spans that contain slope protection, the new bridge shall not be reduced in length and the new end span shall not preclude shared- use path placement.
F. The Developer shall coordinate with the Department and local jurisdictions on the design, maintenance of traffic and construction staging of the bicycle and pedestrian facilities within the Project limits.
G. Concrete and asphalt pavement designs for sidewalks and shared use paths shall be in accordance with Attachment 3.7. If a locality wants a stone dust surface on a facility, the Developer shall coordinate obtaining a maintenance agreement for the Department with the Locality. The specifications for the stone dust surface shall be approved by the Department.
H. The Developer shall design and provide drainage for any new independent pedestrian or shared-use path bridge or underpass structure. Drainage scupper grates on bridges and drainage grates in underpass structures shall be located within the 2-foot shoulder of the path unless otherwise approved by the Department. All drainage grates shall be bicycle friendly and meet ADA requirements. All drainage grate installation orientation shall prevent bicycle or pedestrian encumbrance.
I. The Developer shall design a shared use path parallel to I-66 that is consistent with the RFP Conceptual Plans. Where proposed noise barriers are to be located near homes, the path shall be on the I-66 side of the noise barrier. In addition, a roadway barrier with fencing shall separate I-66 vehicular traffic from the new pedestrian/bicycle facility.
J. Where possible, utility manholes should be located outside of any pedestrian areas (sidewalks, paths, etc.). If necessary, utility access manholes may be located within the 2-foot shoulder of the 10-foot shared use path. Where manholes are located within a sidewalk or shared use path, the manhole covers must be ADA compliant.
K. Access points to the shared use path parallel to I-66 shall be provided at approximately half mile increments. These locations may be co-located with other access needs to reduce the breaks in the sound barriers. The Developer shall coordinate with adjacent and nearby communities and local jurisdictions regarding the locations and design of each access point. Possible access points are in the vicinity of the locations listed below:
1. Braddock Rd at NW Quadrant of Route 28 Interchange. Underpass for connection to future trail to Route 28 north.
2. Audrey Dr (Cabells Mill Development, Centreville).
3. Connect to the standard turn at the end of Veronica Rd (Cabells Mill Development, Centreville).
4. West side of Stringfellow Rd connection to Park & Ride Lot and street crossing to east side of street trail.
5. Fair Lakes Shopping Center (behind Target).
6. East Market Shopping Center (behind Whole Food Market).
7. Existing trail from Waples Mill Rd (NE Quadrant of US 50 Interchange).
8. Arrowhead Dr/Rosehaven St (SW quadrant of Route 123 Interchange).
9. Bushman Dr (just east of tennis courts property).
10. Cedar Lane north side connection to I-66 parallel trail.
11. Connection to west bend of Yeonas Drive (west of Southside Park).
The above access points are shown on the RFP Conceptual Plans and the Bicycle/Pedestrian Concept Feasibility Study exhibits.
L. Mile marker and wayfinding signs shall be incorporated into the design.
M. Existing trails impacted by the Project shall be replaced.
N. The Developer shall provide 8 permanent non-motorized traffic counters composed of combined bicycle detector loops and passive infrared sensors. The location of counters shall be proposed by the Developer and approved by the Department. The infrared sensors shall be enclosed in a vertical post. The posts should have a 2-foot clearance from the path where possible. The proposed continuous count equipment and vendor shall be approved by the Department.
Each counter shall be able to:
1. Count both pedestrians and cyclists;
2. Differentiate between pedestrians and cyclists;
3. Measure the direction of travel of both pedestrians and cyclists;
4. Provide for automatic remote transmission of data via a modem;
5. Provide for in-field transmission of data wirelessly to a field computer;
6. Record count data at 15-minute intervals, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year;
7. Provide a detection height of 24 inches to 36 inches (for infrared sensor);
8. Operate in temperatures from -30 degrees Fahrenheit to 100 degrees Fahrenheit;
9. Be waterproof; and
10. Provide a wood post housing for natural settings or a metal vandal resistant post for urban settings.
Software used for transmittal and storage of data shall be able to:
1. Provide customizable alert system for missing or unusual data;
2. Provide the ability to combine data from multiple counters;
3. Provide the ability to record site description data;
4. Provide an estimate of counter battery levels;
5. Provide a data transmission subscription for each counter;
6. Provide the ability to create multiple viewer accounts; and
7. Provide the ability to view, edit, and create reports.
Labels: i-66, i-66 outside the beltway, i-66 parallel trail, transform66
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