Saturday, November 18, 2017

Park Authority Allocates $ 4.6 Million for Trails

FABB member Howard Albers reported that late last month the Fairfax County Park Authority Board approved the allocation of 2016 bond fund for various trail projects.  FABB has been engaged with the Trails and Sidewalks Committee and the Bicycle Advisory Committee to better understand how trail funding decisions are made and to make recommendations for needed facilities. Several FABB members attended a park strategic plan meeting this fall to press for a new stream valley trail in the Mason District. 

Among the projects to be funded by the allocated $4.6 million are multiple repairs and additions to the Cross County Trail, a section of the Flatlike stream valley trail, completion of the Huntsman Lake Dam loop, and improvements to the South Run stream valley trail. A full list of projects to be supported by the new funding can be found on page 17 of the Planning and Development Committee memorandum on the FCPA website.  Hopefully, your neighborhood trail will benefit from some of the $4.6 million allocation or some of the 2012 trail funding that has been approved but not yet completed.   

If projects you support were not funded, do not give up.  You can join with FABB and take advantage of our group’s ongoing opportunities to raise ideas with the Park Authority staff and decision makers about needed trails. FABB is happy to work with local parties to develop productive and effective advocacy efforts to get funding for needed trail repairs and improvements.  

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