Thursday, November 6, 2014

Video of Reston's Health Community Design workshop with Mark Fenton

Reston Association recently sponsored a talk by Mark Fenton, nationally known consultant on building healthy, more physically active communities. Mark's talk was filmed and the video of the Healthy Community Design Workshop is now online.

Mark asks the rhetorical question, if you build a physically active community, will it work, will people get out of their cars and bike, walk, and take transit? His answer is yes if you have a mix of land uses, a connected ped/bike/transit network, inviting designs and destinations, and it's safe and fully accessible for everyone.

It's well worth taking the time to view the presentation. Mark presents an excellent summary of the reasons we need physically active communities to help combat obesity and what was once adult onset diabetes, very preventable diseases that everyone ends up paying to treat through increased health care costs.

Another good resource is a slide presentation on this topic from Mark's website.

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