Monday, June 16, 2014

Today is first Code Orange alert

Today was the first Code orange alert for the summer season. We received this from Clean Air Partners:
ALERT: this afternoon the greater metro D.C. region is reaching an unhealthy air quality level – marking today as the first Code Orange day of the season. Clean Air Partners’ air quality experts are available to speak to the region’s air quality, provide tips for sensitive groups (i.e. children, older adults, individuals with heart and/or respiratory conditions, and those who are active outdoors). We would like to encourage bikers to sign up for the free AirAlerts at Clean Air Partners.

Clean Air Partners encourages residents to take the following actions today to protect their health and the environment:

• Limit driving; carpool or take public transit.
• Refuel your car in the evening.
• Put off lawn care until air quality improves.
• Use a gas or electric grill instead of charcoal.

Although air quality may be unhealthy year-round, it is typically more of concern during “ozone season” (May through September) when ground-level ozone and particle pollution are at their highest. During a forecasted Code Orange or Red day, sensitive groups should limit prolonged outdoor exertion. Sensitive groups include individuals with heart and/or respiratory disease (asthma, bronchitis, emphysema, or cardiovascular disease), children, older adults (65+), and those who are active outdoors. On Code Red days, the general public should limit prolonged outdoor exertion as well.

Clean Air Partners is dedicated to empowering the metropolitan Baltimore-Washington region with the tools to make meaningful improvements in our region’s air quality and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. Actions we can all take in our daily lives and continued over the long-term will make a big difference.

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