Monday, August 19, 2013

What should be our regional transportation priorities?

I just filled out MWCOG's regional transportation priorities survey. If you want better bike and pedestrian conditions in the future, please take the time to fill out the survey and let regional planners know what you think. We strongly support COG's goals of emphasizing transit-oriented development and increasing transportation options for metro area residents:
The Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments is asking for comments from the public on our Regional Transportation Priorities Plan (RTPP). This plan identifies regional strategies for the Greater Washington area (including Reston) that offer the greatest potential contributions toward addressing regional transportation challenges.

Please follow the hyperlinks below to access the plan documents, fill out the survey, and submit comments:

1. To find the plan document and other RTPP information, visit:

2. To access the survey used to develop the RTPP, visit and click on “Begin the Survey!” (Please allow approximately 20-30 minutes to complete the survey; once you start you will not be able to save your progress and return later.)

3. To submit comments on any aspect of the RTPP, visit

The public comment period will be open though: August 23, 2013

The TPB is especially interested in hearing from the public on the following topics:
  • The strategies and priorities identified in the draft Plan, especially whether they address the region’s most pressing transportation challenges;
  • The RTPP planning process, including the online survey tool used to measure public opinion as well as the process by which challenges, strategies, and priorities were identified and developed;
  • How the identified strategies and priorities can or should inform decision-making in the region.



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