Friday, August 23, 2013

FABB at REI Tysons grand opening

Bruce and Pete at REI
FABB had a table at the REI Tysons grand opening today. Community groups and commercial vendors were asked to provide information to folks attending the opening. Because of the rain we had a late start. Pete hauled our tent, previously donated by REI, along with other FABB materials AND the WABA sign trailer that read "Be a 'Roll Model' Bike Responsibly" on one side. There was a large crowd when the store opened but many fewer people visited the displays later in the day.

We'll be there again tomorrow morning although many FABB folks will also be riding the McLean Social Ride from 10-1pm. We expect a large crowd again at the store throughout the day given the good weather forecast. If you're there, stop by the FABB tent and say hi.

Pete with the WABA trailer

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