Monday, January 14, 2013

Discovering Fairfax history by bike

Kelley, our FABB member who has been working on developing historical rides in Fairfax County, has broken the highway markers out into two main categories.

The first is based on history. If you're interested in developing a route based on particular time frames (pre-Civil War, Civil War, 20th Century, African American history), she is happy to send you the information that way.

However, where Kelley (and FABB) need your help is in developing rides based on local information. The historical markers put up by the state and county will be the framework, but your local stories will help connect them, and your local knowledge of riding conditions, paths, and streets is essential to making these rides accessible to all.

If you live in any of the following areas and are interested in seeing what Kelley's doing, and offering your local knowledge, please e-mail us and she will get in touch with you.

Fairfax City
South County
Mount Vernon/Rt. 1
Bailey's Crossroads
Seven Corners/Falls Church

Do you live in another area? Are you interested in what your area might have? Contact us!

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