Monday, June 11, 2012

Bicycle Master Plan draft route network online

The draft bicycle route network being proposed by the Fairfax County Bicycle Master Plan team is now online and available for review. We encourage everyone who are familiar with the needs of cyclists in Fairfax to check out the areas you know and see what you think about the proposed routes.

Over the past year the planning team has gathered information from cyclists around the county. They've used information from the Bicycle Route Map, mostly determining how to fix the Less Preferred routes. They traveled throughout the county documenting bike conditions and determining what facilities are needed.

The bicycle plan advisory committee will meet on Wednesday to discuss the network and the policy and program recommendations. We've only seen a rough outline of the policy and program recommendations. Even though this is the last planned advisory committee meeting, we expect the dialog between the committee and the planning team to continue through June and July.

Public comments are being accepted through June. You can send comments through the project website or to FABB at

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