Saturday, January 8, 2011

Chairman Bulova statement on road takeover and biking in Tysons

Fairfax County does not control most roads in the county. They are the responsibility of VDOT. Fairfax County has undertaken a study to determine the implications of taking over some or all maintenance and construction of public roads in the county exclusive of Interstate highways. A draft of the study is available on the county website: Alternatives for Improving Roadway Services in Fairfax County.

On Jan. 7 Chairman Bulova participated in an online chat and was asked the following question:
Anonymous User: What are the real odds that the county will take over roads from the state?
Sharon Bulova: Essentially, all roads in Fairfax County are maintained by the state. The prospect of taking over the maintenance and operation of the roads would be extraordinarily expensive. While we would like to improve on the maintenance and have more control over operation, we need to be very careful about the cost implications of doing so for our taxpayers. County staff presented an initial analysis of the proposal, and we have asked for a more in depth look at the options we discussed. The General Assembly has not provided sufficient funding to maintain the roads at a level that our constituents expect. Taking over the roads at this point would be equivalent [to] the car being run out gas, failing its safety inspections, and being rolled into the driveway for us to take over.
She also was asked about biking and walking in Tysons:
AC Chen: I live less than two miles from Tysons Corner in Vienna. There are no safe ways to either walk there or ride my bike. Considering the large population that works and visits the commercial area surrounding Tysons, that seems to be a real shame.

Sharon Bulova: County staff continues to engage with stakeholders (particularly people like you) to conduct the Tysons Metro Station Access Management Study (TMSAMS). Once complete, the study will identify the most effective ways to connect the bike and pedestrian trails that are part of the redevelopment of Tysons Corner to the surrounding neighborhoods allowing people to safely get in and out of Tysons on foot or on their bike. We feel it's critical to the success of mixed-use developments that they be walkable and bikeable, which will relieve congestion and protect the environment. For more information on the County's Bicycle Master Plan, visit: The Bicycle Master Plan encompasses a 3-mile radius from the Tysons Metro stations.

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