Sunday, October 24, 2010

High school bike bus

Check out this video of high school kids in Orlando, FL who started a bike bus to school. Includes some great quotes: "It's better than riding the bus." "It's better than driving a car because if I drive a car I need to get a job and I become a slave to my car." "If I ride a bike I feel better throughout the day. School's worth going to because I get to ride my bike to school." "Riding a bike gives you so much freedom; you don't have to wait for the bus, or wait for your parents, it's just you and your bike. You just pedal the speed you want." Let's hope this is a sign of things to come. (From GreaterGreaterWashington)

Update: The Wolftrap Elementary School in Vienna has a bike train, Wolfie's Bike Train, which will be running again this Wednesday.



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