Monday, July 27, 2009

Metro bike/ped access survey

As part of the Metrorail Station Area Bicycle and Pedestrian Improvements Study, Metro is conducting a survey of bicycle and pedestrian users to solicit opinions on how people access stations and suggestions for improving bike/ped access.

This is a good opportunity to let Metro know about the need for more and better bicycle parking at stations, including covered racks. They also need to work with local communities to improve bicycle access beyond the station property limits, something Metro has been reluctant to do in the past. Bike routes between stations and major destinations need to be created. These routes should include wayfinding signs.

Bike stations could be located at many stations to allow customers to use bikes for the last part of their journey. Bike access on Metro trains during rush hour would allow many more people to use their bikes for commuting. This would require better bike facilities on trains.

Link to bike/ped access survey.

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