Saturday, October 27, 2007

With HOT Lanes Must Come Bike Lanes

We recently sent a letter to the editor of the Washington Post about an article they published on the I-495 HOT lanes project. The letter was expanded into an article published in the Sunday Outlook section on page B8, With HOT Lanes Must Come Bike Lanes. As we stated in the article, bicycle facilities as required by the Fairfax County Trails Plan [large pdf file] must be included in the project. For too long the Beltway has been a major barrier to bicycle travel. Now is the time to overcome that barrier by including bike lanes on some of the bridges, and on others, dual multi-use trails. These bridges over the Beltway will be rebuilt as part of the project, and we can't wait another 40 or 50 years for another chance for these facilities to be built.
My girlfriend handed me the article this morning. It was a good one - glad to see some good publicity.

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